just let me love you (1)

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Ricky was nervous. wait, nervous was an understatement. he was terrified. he didn't know what he was going to do but he did know one thing, he was going to propose to Nini.

so what if they were only seniors in high school. they loved each other and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

"what the hell is wrong with you? did you learn nothing from glee?"

that's that Big Red said when he told him the plan. it's true, they were young and maybe it wasn't a good idea but he wanted to be with her forever. they had been friends since they were 5 and they'd been in a romantic relationship since they were 13 so he knew he wanted to marry her.

he had saved up enough money from odd jobs he had done and working at the skating rink to buy a ring that was $100. it wasn't much but it was what he could afford and while he didn't necessarily need a ring, he wanted Nini to have one. it was a golden band with the tiniest diamond you've ever seen. it was very thin and simple but he hoped that she would love it.

he couldn't get anything bigger or more expensive because his dad had no idea of Ricky's plan. he didn't need to be asking for money to buy an expensive engagement ring. he wanted to propose and then they'd figure out how to tell their parents. that's if she said yes.

that was another thing. he was so scared that she'd say no. he wasn't stupid, he knew they were young, that they had life to figure out and they had a ton of time to get engaged and get married but he wanted to do it now. he wanted to start their lives together now.

he had texted Nini to meet him in the auditorium during her free period at the end of the day. he was pacing back and forth, the tiny ring box in his front pocket of his jeans. he felt like he couldn't breathe. he wanted her to say yes so bad.

she appeared down the isle of the theatre, speaking when she saw him on stage.

"hey, what's up? why did you want me to meet you here?" she asked as she dropped her backpack on the stage and stood in front of him.

he took a deep breath, it was now or never. he palmed the box in his jeans and started speaking, "Nini, we've been friends our whole lives. we've been together since middle school. i've loved you for so long. i know i don't tell you enough but i do, i love you Nini. sometimes i sit and i wonder what my life would be like if we weren't together. i wonder what kind of person i'd be if i'd never met you, cause i know that i am who i am today because of you. you've made me a better man Nini. i love you so much, i want to do everything with you. i want to grow old with you, i want the house and the white picket fence, i want the 2.5 kids and the dog and everything with you. i can't imagine what it'd be like to not love you."

Ricky and Nini both had tears in their eyes. she was confused as to why he was confessing his love to her right this moment, again, he told her all the time how much he loves her but why now?

Ricky got down onto one knee and Nini gasped, "Nina Salazar-Roberts, i want you to spend the rest of your life with me. i know we're young and this may be the stupidest thing i've ever done in my entire life but i love you and i just want you to let me love you for the rest of our lives, together. so, will you marry me?" he opened the box to reveal the ring and Nini let some tears slip out.

"Ricky," she started with a shaky breath, the boy still on the floor kneeling, "i love you so much. i want to marry you i do but we're just kids. could we even make this work?"

Ricky stood up and grabbed onto her hands, "Nini, we can do anything together. we can make anything work. i'm not saying we have to get married tomorrow, we can wait a few years but i just want to know that you're going to be there with me."

Nini was silent for a moment as tears slipped out. she was so conflicted, her heart told her to say yes but her brain told her to say no. they were just kids. they couldn't get married. what would their parents think? did his dad know about this? what would her moms do? she couldn't come home from school today and tell her moms that she'd gotten engaged between her history class and musical rehearsal. besides, they watched glee together all the time...did he learn nothing from that?!

"Nini, what're you thinking?" he asked quietly, afraid of her answer.

she wiped away a tear and looked him in the eyes, "i'm trying to tell my brain to shut up so i can follow my heart and tell you yes."

Ricky's eyes widened, "yes?"

Nini nodded, "yes Ricky, i'll marry you! a thousand times yes."

Ricky slipped the tiny ring onto her tiny finger before pulling her face in for a passionate kiss. the two stayed like that for a few minutes, connected together in an intimate moment. pulling away, their foreheads remained together.

"how're we gonna tell everybody?"

that's something they need to figure out.

hello! yes this is the first one shot i've written that will have more than one part! i have at least two more parts for this planned out, then telling everybody and then the actual wedding. while i don't necessarily think it's a great idea to get engaged in high school i know people that have done it and have made it work. i'm also a huge glee fan and i still have a broken finchel heart so this was inspired by them obviously. hope you all enjoyed!

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now