behind their backs

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it wasn't supposed to happen. they were both with other people. they just couldn't stay away from each other.

it was senior year. that meant a lot of parties. while EJ Caswell had graduated, he was still the party king of East High. almost every week he was throwing a party. he was studying at the University of Utah. Nini and he were still together. sure they fought but they had made it almost two years now. Ricky and Gina had begun seeing each other quickly after she moved in with Ashlyn during her sophomore year. but just because they were dating other people didn't mean they didn't have feelings for each other.

that's were the party comes into play. it was early into senior year. EJ was throwing his annual back to school party and it was crazy. almost the entire school was there. EJ was hanging out with his old water polo buddies and Nini was with her theatre group. she was definitely getting drunk. that was the only way she got through these god awful parties. she had noticed Ricky and Gina arguing earlier in the evening and wasn't shocked when Gina left earlier with some of her other friends. Ricky was currently dancing with Carlos, Seb, and Red and Nini decided to join in too. the dance floor, which was really just the living room, was crowded. there was some obnoxious rap song playing and everybody was closely dancing. somehow, Ricky and Nini ended up dancing together. that dancing quickly turned to grinding and then Nini had kissed him. it may have been the alcohol but she didn't regret it, also he kissed back. they quietly slipped away, hand in hand to one of EJ's guest rooms. they spent the night together, a night of passion that they didn't think would ever happen again. when they woke up the next morning, they tried to forget.

keyword was tried. the two began having secret rendezvous. originally it was just because they were so frustrated from their own relationships that they needed an outlet-each other. that plan went bust when Ricky told her he was falling back in love with her after they slept together one night. Nini couldn't lie to herself anymore, she was falling back in love with him too.

they decided that they were going to end their relationships so that they could be together. but that was harder than they thought. EJ was starting to fail out of college, leaning on Nini for support and Gina was having trouble with her mom, needing Ricky to be there for her. so they decided that they would still be together but in secret.

they were careful. they would only be touchy when they were alone. that didn't stop Nini from placing her hand on his thigh at the lunch table or him slipping his hand under the back of her shirt when they hugged.

they didn't want to be caught. they needed to keep up appearances but they also wanted to tell the truth and be together.

it was friday night. one of the rare nights that EJ wasn't throwing a party. Nini laid in Ricky's bed, the sheets pulled up around her as she stared at him. they had just come down from yet another round of vigorous love making and Nini wanted to talk.

"we can't keep doing this. we're gonna break them."

Ricky sighed, his hand coming up to rub Nini's bare back under the sheets.

"i know. it's hard, i don't want to hurt Gina but i want to be with you."

Nini rested her chin on his chest, she was silent for a minute.

"i wanna be with you too but now with EJ failing, he's counting on me to be there for him. it's so hard to act like you're in love with someone when all you want to do is get out of the relationship."

Ricky ran his hand through Nini's long brown hair, "i know baby. i know."

she sighed as she made random designs with her finger on his stomach. she loved just being here with him. this was easy unlike her relationship with EJ. all they ever did was fight but her and Ricky were never like that. they had an undying love for each other. she wanted nothing more than to share her relationship with Ricky to all of her friends.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now