midnight drives (j•o)

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something about driving at night was calming, that's why he did it so often. it had always been something Josh had done since he'd gotten his license and bought his car. he usually drove alone at night, until he met Olivia.

they started driving together when they first started working on the show. now two seasons and one relationship later, he almost never drove without her.

she was laying on the couch in their shared apartment, having moved in together when they went back to Salt Lake to film season 3. netflix was playing an episode of New Girl that she'd seen a million times. Josh came out of their bedroom, grabbing his keys off of the kitchen counter.

"babe i'm going for a drive, you coming?" he directed his question towards the couch.

Olivia didn't answer, she simply stood up and turned off the tv, wrapping her cardigan tighter around herself as she walked to the door, slipping her checkered vans onto her socked feet, letting her boyfriend guide her out the front door.

they walked quietly through the hallway, riding the elevator in silence as she locked her pinkie around his, the two walking slowly out to the parking lot. Josh got in first, having to reach over to manually unlock her door, his old Honda's automatic locks had stopped working about a year ago. his car was falling apart but he couldn't bare to peace with it yet.

Olivia settles into her passenger seat, putting on her seatbelt as she reached for his aux chord. she plugged her phone in and queued up her car playlist, filled with all their favorite songs to jam out to during their night drives.

Skinny Love by Bon Iver played softly through the car speakers as she hummed along. Josh drove silently as he stared at the stars in the sky. she snuggled into her fluffy grey cardigan as he began to hum along as well.

he used to not listen to music in the car when he drove late at night but ever since he started hanging out with Olivia, and especially since he started dating her, he knew that wherever she went there was music.

the song switched to Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi and he turned it up a little. Liv rolled down her window slightly, the cool spring Salt Lake air filling the car.

"sing to me." he said quietly as he stole a glance at his girlfriend.

she smiled a little and started singing along, harmonizing along with the male singer. Josh's heart swelled at her voice, he loved listening to her sing. he gripped the wheel tightly with his left hand as his right one came down to clutch onto her legging clad leg. Liv continued to sing quietly as she stared out the window.

she turned to him when her playlist switched to Cherry by Harry Styles, knowing it's his favorite song on her playlist. she watched him as he sung along quietly to the song. she never loved anybody more than she loved him, especially in moments like these. he looked so free while he was singing out his favorite songs, his curls blowing in the wind.

her finger traced the back of his hand on her thigh, outlining all the grooves and veins and bones in his hand. he turned his hand palm side up and she took the chance to interlace their fingers together, their hands resting on her legs. Josh brought their joined hands to his lips to press a kiss to her hand before setting them back on her legs.

the rolled to a stop at a light and he turned to look at her. the soft sound of Dean Lewis' Chemicals playing in the background, the couple looked each other in the eyes.

"i love you." he said quietly.

she grinned, "i love you too Joshy."

he started driving again as the chords to All I Want began to play. Olivia picked up her phone to skip the song, Josh's voice stopping her.

"don't, i love this song."

Liv chuckled as she listened to her boyfriend sing her song. he belted it out into his car, the girl next to him laughing hysterically at his antics.

"you're an idiot." she laughed.

he smiled widely, "yeah but i'm your idiot."

Liv nodded to herself, "yes you are."

ironically, Common Sense began to play after her song went off. Liv laughed and turned it up as the two sang along to the song. they laughed as they goofed off to the next few songs on the playlist.

Bruises began to play, Lewis Capaldi was one of Josh's favorite artists so Liv put a bunch of his songs on her playlist. she harmonized again to the song as she yelled out the words into his car. if anybody could see the young couple, they'd definitely think they were crazy.

Josh rounded the corner and sped up a little, Liv giggling wildly, "Josh! slow down!"

he chuckled at her voice and slowed his speed, "just wanted to scare you a bit."

her hand met his chest as she smacked him lightly, "god i hate you."

he hummed in thought, "i beg to differ, i think you love me."

she gasped, "well i can't love you if we're dead!"

he laughed at her dramatics, his hand reaching out to pull at her chin a little. she brushed his hands off of her, "both hands on the wheel Bassett."

he fake pouted, "maybe i wanna put my hands on you."

she rolled her eyes playfully, "calm yourself."

they drove in silence for a few minutes, songs rotating through the car. Liv looked over at him as he drove down the highway, he looked so peaceful. she leaned across the center console and pressed a kiss to his neck before leaning back in her seat.

his eyes didn't leave the road, "what was that for?"

she shrugged, "nothing. just wanted to kiss you."

he got off at their exit and started to head back to their apartment. his hand found hers again as she pulled her sweater around her again. Josh rolled up her window, noticing that she began to shiver.

they drove quietly again, the sound of humming occasionally filled the car. Liv bit her lip and turned to her boyfriend.

"thank you for letting me drive with you. i know that it used to be your quiet time to think but i really like having this time with you." she squeezed his hand tighter.

his thumb rubbed her hand, "no problem, i love having you in my passenger seat. honestly, it's more fun having you with me during these drives cause before you actually started coming with me i'd just think about you being here with me anyway."

Olivia blushed slightly, "well, i appreciate it. i appreciate you."

he smiled softly at her and gripped her hand tighter. they pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building and he killed the engine of his car. they unbuckled and got out, Josh making sure his old beat up car was locked properly. he reached for her hand as he came around the front of his car, their fingers interlacing as they made their way inside.

the ride back up to their apartment was quiet again, this time more from tiredness than anything. when they reached their door, Josh unlocked it and Liv went in first. she slipped her shoes off by the door and walked slowly to their bedroom. Josh picked up around the living room and kitchen before he headed to bed, making sure all the lights were turned off.

Liv was already in bed when he got in there. she had slipped in still wearing her clothes, her sweater thrown over the chair in the corner of the room. he chuckled softly and slipped into the bed behind her, pulling her against him softly. she murmured and rolled around, tucking herself into his chest. he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her hair.

their breathing began to even out, sleep starting to come over them. Liv mumbled just before sleep took her, "let's go for a drive every night."

he smiled softly as he kissed her forehead. he'd drive with her for the rest of his life if he could.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now