more christmases with you

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it was that time of year again. the December snow was falling in Salt Lake, covering the ground like a thick blanket.

the Bowen household was filled with the same excitement as last year. Catie was counting down the days until the 25th, only a week away. everybody was busy with getting ready for the holiday, the tree was decorated, the stockings hung, presents wrapped.

Nini yawned as she finished putting on her dress, staring at herself in the mirror. Ricky chuckled, coming up behind her and pressing a gentle hand to her back.

"you look beautiful." he mumbled before kissing her hair.

"i certainly don't feel it." she groans, smoothening her dress down.

he chuckles into her hair, "nobody can tell. it's still our little secret."

their little secret.

Nini glanced back at the black and white photo sitting on the top of their dresser. the grainy photos holding the future in it. while it was planned, it was still a little shocking. Nini was pregnant. they'd been trying to have a baby for a couple of months, deciding that they wanted to have a child together. they only found out a few weeks ago. she was a couple days late and she just had a gut feeling, a plastic test proving her right. they'd gotten their first ultrasound about a week ago and had begun planning how to tell everyone.

Ricky wanted to be the one to tell Catie. obviously this was a big life changing moment and they knew that their daughter would be excited but he felt obligated to be the one to break the news to her. Nini wanted to wait as long as possible to tell their families, it's not that she didn't want them to know but they had all made a big deal about the marriage last year and she really didn't want to make it a huge deal this year since she was pregnant.

he moves away from her, grabbing his button down shirt and starting to pull it on, "are you gonna stop by the music store this afternoon? i could use some help with the inventory, that is if you're feeling up to it. i know you haven't been feeling your best this week."

"uh, yeah sure. i'll help out but i have to go to the store and i was gonna take Catie with me that way i can just get her home after instead of having to wait for you guys. i know she gets a little cranky when you're doing busy work." Nini replies as she leans against the end of the bed.

"sure, sounds great. i've gotta go. you're dropping Catie Bug off at school today?"

she nods and Ricky smiles a little, kissing her quickly before making his way out of the room.


Nini sighs a little as she roams the isles of Target, Catie checking things off of her list for her as they go.

"alright Bug, what's next?" she asks as she places more shampoo in the cart.

the little girl glances at the list from her place in the cart, sitting in the little seat, "um, potatoes!"

the older brunette laughs a little and ruffles the girls hair, heading towards the food section to pick up her grocery items.

Catie noticed that Nini seemed to be a bit behind, not responding right away when she asked her something, "are you okay mommy?"

"hmm? oh sweetie i'm fine, mommy's just a little tired." she responds, shrugging a little as she pushes the cart into the next isle.

the girl plays with the skirt of her dress as she talks, "daddy said you've been tired a lot lately but he won't tell me why."

Nini hums a little, not wanting to say the real reason, "it's okay sweet girl, thank you for noticing though. i promise i'm okay."

she watches as her daughter shrugs, flashing her million dollar smile, "can we go look at the Christmas section?"

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now