the absolute worst

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today was going to be a good day.

that's what Nini thought when she woke up this morning. the sun was shining, it was warm but not hot, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, everything was perfect.

that was, until she stepped into East High.

she held the straps of her backpack as she walked down the hall, waving and saying hello to a few people. everyone seemed to be staring at her, more than usual, it was weird. did she have something on her face? why was everyone looking at her like that?

her questions were somewhat answered when she passed by a group of boys, all wearing letterman jackets. they were staring at her, a few of them laughing. one even whistled at her.

"looking good Sal-Robs!"

"who knew you were hiding such a body under all those sweaters!"

"never knew you could be that hot!"

she knitted her eyebrows together in confusion at the boys comments and simply rolled her ways, walking a little faster to her locker. she saw a few of her friends standing around it when she got there.

"hey guys! what's up?"

everyone turned to her, frowns on their faces, a few at a loss for words.

Kourtney spoke up, "Nini...i'm so sorry."

she was confused, "what're you talking about?"

the blonde boy standing next to her unfolded a paper that was in his hands, tentatively handing it to the brunette girl. she took it, unfolding it all the way, gasping, "oh my god, no!"

tears flooded her eyes as she looked down at the printed out picture in her hands. it was a private photo that she had sent to Ricky, one that left you with little to the imagination. it was of her sitting on her knees in front of her full length mirror, with only a matching red set of underwear on. she had sent it to her boyfriend only a few weeks ago.

"h-how did you g-get this?" Nini asks the group, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Red frowned a little, "this one was taped to your locker but Neens, there's more."

"we tried to take down as many of them as we could, i don't know if we missed any. people are also sharing them on social media." Kourtney says quietly.

"oh my god. oh my god." she repeats, "those were private photos i sent to Ricky. oh my god, Ricky! i need to find him."

"Neens, he didn't do this, did he?" Seb asks.

her eyes narrow in on the blonde boy, "jesus Seb, of course not! how could you even ask that?! he would never do this to me. somebody must've hacked into my snapchat account, that's where all the photos were sent out of but i was stupid and saved them to my memories, along with private photos of him. have you guys seen any of Ricky?"

the group shakes their heads and Nini sighs a little in relief, at least both of them aren't totally embarrassed.


she turns at the sound of her boyfriends voice and running footsteps. her curly haired boyfriend comes into view, holding a few of the papers himself, crumpled up in his hands. he reaches her and immediately pulls her into his arms.

"god, i'm so sorry baby. i didn't do this!" he says as he presses a kiss to her hair.

"i know," Nini whispers, "i think somebody hacked into my snapchat meaning they have all of our private photos babe."

Ricky's eyes widen and his voice drops a little, "you mean...all of them? even the ones of us...together?"

she nods her head, "i mean, i can only assume! all the pictures and stuff were saved into the same area on my snap so i can only guess that whoever is doing this has seen everything."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now