happy halloween

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Halloween songs play throughout the house as Nini finishes putting up a few last minute decorations. even though it's the 31st, she's still committed to decorating their house and making it perfect.

Ricky opens the front door, calling out for his wife, "Neens, i'm home!"

he smiles when he sees their little boy come waddling towards him, "daddy!"

"Mikey, hi buddy!" he says as he lifts the little boy into his arms, "where's mommy?"

the little boy points towards the kitchen so they make their way there, Ricky seeing his wife hanging up some cartoon spiders in front of the sliding glass door.

he chuckles and sets his son down to go play, "honey, you know that we're gonna be taking all those down tomorrow right?"

Nini turns to face him for a second before continuing to fix the decorations, "i know but i just love Halloween and we have our own house now so we get to decorate it how we want!"

it was their first Halloween in their new house, having just moved in over the summer. Ricky and Nini had been living with her moms in her childhood house since they got married three years ago, that way they could save up money for their own house and also get help raising and taking care of their two kids.

Ricky smiles and pulls Nini into his arms, kissing her sweetly, "i love you, you know that?"

she smiles widely, "i know."

their moment is interrupted by a piercing cry coming through the baby monitor that sat on the counter. Ricky moves to leave the room first, "i got her."

the baby girls face is bright red as he walks upstairs and into the nursery, picking the baby up. at only 8 months old, the parents already knew that their daughter would be a singer simply because of how strong her crying was.

Ricky places the baby's head against his neck, cradling her gently, "it's okay Ellie, it's okay. daddy's here."

he carefully walks down the stairs as the baby calms down, now in the arms of her father. Nini has finished decorating and is now putting a snack on the table for their son.

"i told you, she likes you more than me." she says with a chuckle as she places the plate with apple slices in front of Mikey.

he laughs as he cradles their daughter, "yeah well, Mikey is a mommas boy so i get her."

their kids are their pride and joy. they always talked about starting a family as soon as they got married, wanting to have a couple kids. Nini got pregnant after they'd only been married for about five months, little Michael Richard coming along, Mikey for short. after their son turned one, she got pregnant again, this time a little girl. Ella Caroline, Ellie for short, came out kicking and screaming, a feisty little one. they moved into their new house not long after she was born so that Nini's moms could have their own house back.

Nini rolls her eyes playfully and moves to leave the room, most likely to go finish decorating.


the neighborhood is lively as families trick or treat to all the houses, dressed up in their new costumes.

Ricky and Nini are big fans of couples costumes, they've been doing them since high school, going as famous duos and couples from different shows or movies. since having kids, they like to incorporate their children into their costumes, going all out. this year, they decided to be Toy Story characters. Nini was Bo Peep, Ricky was Woody, Mikey was Buzz, and little baby Ellie was one of Bo Peep's sheep.

Nini was handing out candy at the door while Ricky finished getting the kids ready to go. they didn't like to be out for too long but it was fun to watch their almost two year old son walk around in his costume.

she closes the door and turns to yell up the stairs, "babe, you almost ready to go?!"

Ricky comes down the stairs holding both his kids in his arms, Nini giggling at how comedic he looked dressed as a cowboy.

he rolls his eyes and hands the little girl to her, "i can't believe you talked me into being Woody, i wanted to be Buzz."

"well, your son got first pick and he wanted Buzz so too bad. now let's go so we can get back and hand out candy as a family." she says as she grabs the little orange pumpkin bin and passed it to her son, ushering them all out the door.

Ricky walks behind the group, as he always does on Halloween, making sure that everybody was safe as they navigate their way through the neighborhood. his hand remains on his wife's back as they stand at all the doors, chuckling a little when their son proudly yells out, "trick or treat!"

little Ellie was fast sleep in Nini's arms, the little sheep snoring away, oblivious to her parents favorite holiday. Mikey moved from house to house, Ricky following him up the driveways, Nini hanging back to watch from the side of the road.

the family makes their way back home when little Michael announces he's tired, Ricky carrying him all the way back to their house. Nini puts Ellie down in the rocker in the living room when they got home so she can keep an eye on her while she stands at the door, Michael sitting on the couch watching tv.

Ricky leans against the doorframe across from his wife as they wait for the next group of kids, "what're we gonna be next year?"

Nini chuckles, "honey, Halloween's not even over yet and you're already thinking about next years costume?"

he laughs, "well we have to start preparing early! plus, maybe we'll have one more person next year?" he asks, his eyebrows wiggling.

Ricky attempts to dodge his wife's hand as it flies at his chest, "Richard Bowen! i just had your daughter eight months ago, i'm not pushing another one out any time soon."

his hands fly up in defense, "alright, alright. two years from now then."

Nini throws her head back as she laughs, "i can't with you."

he smiles sweetly as he moves to take her in his arms, "but you love me."

"most of the time." she responds, chuckling against his chest, "all the time, i love you."

Ricky kissed the top of her head before pulling away slightly, "Happy Halloween dear."

who knows, maybe next year they will have five people for their family costume. only time can tell.

Happy Halloween everybody!!! this is actually my favorite holiday so i'm super excited for today!!! please remember, don't go out to any parties or go trick or treating if you can help it. instead, stay inside in your costume and watch a Halloween movie and eat some candy or have a family party with the people in your social bubble! the pandemic is still very real and people in my neighborhood back home are planning on taking their children out tonight and i cannot stress how bad of an idea that is. so please remember that if you chose to go out or gather in any way tonight with people outside of your social bubble; wear a mask, stay safe, wash your hands, and limit exposure!! have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!!👻🎃💀

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now