always by your side (1)

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a/n: this chapter is very out of character for Nini. i was just kind of struck with this idea of a pregnant high school Nini but the father isn't Ricky but he still takes care of her and i was inspired to write so sorry if it's too ooc for you guys!!

Nini stared at herself in her mirror, she was growing more and more everyday. she huffed as she pulled Ricky's sweatshirt down over her stomach. she hated the fact that her body was changing so often, nothing fit and nothing was comfortable anymore, she had resorted to leggings and her boyfriends sweatshirts as they were all that fit now.

it was an accident, but Nini took control of the situation and faced her consequences. it had been when she and Ricky were broken up, she went to a party that someone from East High was throwing, she got super drunk and went home with a guy she had just met that night. a month later she missed her period and she knew what had happened, her and Ricky were already back together and he was shocked. he decided he was going to stand by her throughout the whole thing, especially when the baby's father told Nini he wanted nothing to do with her.

she didn't want to be 17 and pregnant but that's what she was now. people stared at her in the halls and talked about her behind her back. Ricky was her saving grace throughout this whole thing, the theatre group was amazing too. they all decided to stick by her and rally for her. she wasn't going to let herself be defined by one mistake.

Nini grabbed her backpack and went downstairs. Carol was standing in the kitchen, reading the paper.

"good morning honey. how are you feeling this morning?" Carol asked, noticing Nini come in the room.

Nini sighed and dig around the fruit bowl, "hi mamma, i'm tired and hungry."

Carol pushed her plate with eggs over to Nini, "here, you need them more than me right now."

Nini said a silent thank you as she dug into the food. she ate in silence for a few moments before her front door opened. she looked up just as her boyfriend came into the kitchen.

"morning baby." he said as he kissed her temple, "good morning mamma C, how are you today?"

Carol smiled at the sweet boy, she couldn't be more thankful that he chose to stick by her daughter when she needed him most. "i'm wonderful Ricky, thank you!"

Nini finished her breakfast before grabbing her backpack again and kissing her mother goodbye. she grabbed Ricky's hand as the headed for his car. she settled herself into the passenger seat as Ricky started up the car, music playing softly as he drove. Nini rubbed her slightly swollen belly as Ricky held her other hand.

"how's she doing this morning?" he asked, his eyes never leaving the road.

"ah, she's starting to move a lot more. she keeps kicking me in the ribs."

Ricky chuckled before letting go of her hand to rub her belly, "calm down in there little girl, your mother needs you to not be kicking her all day."

Nini relaxed as she felt Ricky's hand on her belly. he always had a way of calming her and her unborn daughter down. "i think she likes you, every time you talk to her she listens."

Ricky smiled. this definitely wasn't what he signed up for when he and Nini started dating. it was his fault that they broke up in the first place, leading her to that party. once he found out about the baby, he felt responsible for Nini, like he needed to take care of her. he wasn't that baby's father but he was going to try his best to be there for Nini and that little girl, because they needed him.

when they got to school, the walked hand in hand through the hallway. people always looked at them and whispered. people couldn't believe that Ricky would continue to date Nini while being pregnant with another boys baby. he just loved her too much to let her go through it alone.

Nini had to face the first part of her day alone. she sat in the back of her classrooms, trying her hardest to write down notes while her child kicked her belly. she couldn't wait until lunch so she could see Ricky for him to calm her down again.

lunch period finally came and Nini sighed in relief. she packed up her books and headed for the cafeteria. she saw Seb and Ashlyn already at their table. Nini huffed as she set her stuff down.

"tough day darling?" Seb asked sweetly.

"yeah, i just need to see Ricky. baby girl has been kicking me non stop, i think she misses his voice." Nini mumbled from her seat.

Ashlyn cooed, "i think it's so sweet that she recognizes his voice and listens to him."

Nini scoffed as she pulled out her lunch bag, "yeah i just wish she'd listen to me."

the trio chatted as their friend group filtered into the table. Red sat next to Ashlyn, kissing her cheek as he sat down. Carlos sat next to Seb, chatting on about his new color guard routine. EJ and Gina appeared, sitting together to discuss their upcoming theatre project, Kourtney sitting next to Gina. Ricky rushed to the table, panting as he sat down quickly. Nini placed her hand on his back in concern.

"sorry honey, Mrs Gardner kept me after class to talk about some calc project that is coming up." he apologized with a kiss to her forehead.

Nini shook her head, "it's okay, i was just wondering where you were. so was little bean."

Ricky smiled as he placed his palm on the side of her belly where her daughter usually rests. "hey there kid, hope you're not causing too much trouble."

Nini smiled as her boyfriend talked to her baby. she loved that he was so open about it, it made her love him ten times more. "she's been kicking me all morning."

Ricky frowned before ducking his head closer to her stomach, his tone more serious. "didn't i tell you to stop kicking your mother? stop being rebellious already, it's not time for that yet."

the group looked on as Ricky talked to Nini's belly. some of them thought it was a little strange at the beginning that Ricky wanted to take care of Nini's baby when it wasn't even his responsibility. they loved how caring he was for them.

the table talked about their plans for the day and the weekend as lunch went on. Nini munched on some carrot sticks, her sickness kicking in halfway through lunch. Ricky rubbed her lower back, he knew that helped ease her when she was feeling sick. finally the bell rang and the group packed up their things. Ricky and Nini walked hand in hand to AP Lit together.

she managed to make it through the rest of the day pretty easily. her bout of nausea only lasted about an hour and then she was fine. Ricky drove her back to her place after school, Nini insisting that he stay.

they sat curled up on her living room couch, some cheesy movie on in the background. they were focused on each other. Nini laid with her back against his chest, in between his legs. he rubbed her stomach and her hips gently as he placed peppered kisses to her neck. she hummed in delight as he placed a kiss to her pressure point, her hand coming up to hold his face.

"i love you so much Ricky."

"i love you too Nini, more than you will ever know."

Nini smiled sadly, "you know you don't have to do this right? you have no responsibility here, you could walk away right now and i'd forgive you."

"Nini," Ricky turned her to look at him, "there's nothing i regret about my decision. i love you so much and i love your little girl. i will love her like she's my own, i already do. so who cares if i'm 17, i'm going to help you raise this baby if that's what you would like. i will always be here for you. i'm always by your side Nini."

Nini smiled, tears in her eyes as she pulled his neck down to kiss him. they parted and Ricky returned his hands to her stomach, feeling a foot push against his. he laughed and Nini smiled. she had all she needed right here.

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