trying (1)

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Nini paced back and forth in her bathroom, waiting for her timer to go off. she heard the ding from her phone and turned to look at the stick on the counter.



tears sprung to her eyes as she quickly wiped them away with the back of her hand. she dumped the stick into the bin next to the sink. she moved out of the bathroom and into her bedroom, the picture on the dresser catching her eye.

it was from her and Ricky's honeymoon. they had gone to Paris, Nini's choice, and the photo was taken at Disneyland Paris, Ricky's choice. he had wanted to go to Disney after their wedding and Nini wanted to go out of the country so they compromised and settled on visiting Disneyland Paris. they were standing in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle, Nini was wrapped in Ricky's arms, smiles wide on their faces.

she smiled sadly at the photo, she failed him; again. he was gonna be upset, she hated seeing him upset, with his sad eyes and his sad smile.

Nini heard the front door to their house open, indicated that Ricky was home. she walked slowly down the stairs, seeing Ricky taking his shoes off at the door.

Ricky saw his wife standing on the stairs, "oh hey sweetheart. how was your day?"

Nini held back her tears, "it happened again."

Nini watched as Ricky's face dropped. his expression softened, "oh Neens it's okay. alright? we'll try again next month."

Nini sighed and moved to pull him into her arms. they held each other for a moment, listening to each others breathing.

"i told you not to take another test without me. i wanted to be here for you." Ricky ran his fingers through his wife's hair.

Nini let out a quiet sob, "i'm sorry Ricky, it's all my fault."

Ricky pulled her face into his hands, "Nina. Nina look at me, this is not your fault okay? this happens to a lot of couples. we can try again next month, it'll happen i promise."

Nini pulled herself out of his arms, "Ricky! we've been trying for two years! multiple failed pregnancy tests, one miscarriage, two failed rounds of IFV! i'm never going to have a baby!"

Ricky was silent for a moment at his wife's sudden outburst. this whole thing had taken a toll on both of them. they always knew they wanted kids so as soon as they got married two years ago they started trying to start a family. it was rough. for some reason they just couldn't get pregnant. then, about a year and a half ago Nini finally had a positive pregnancy test. by the time they went for their third scan, she had lost the baby. they turned to IVF. it was expensive, especially on Ricky's teaching salary and Nini's small income as a private voice teacher, but they were determined to have a baby. after months of Nini sticking herself with needles to help the process and a brutal egg extraction, they had a viable embryo. a month later that failed too. they went in for their second round of IVF two months later, only for that to fail too.

Nini was tired. she wanted a baby more than anything in the world. Ricky couldn't do anything but stand by and watch his wife suffer every single time they failed. a little part of him died every time he watched her cry herself to sleep over a negative test.

"Nini, i swear to you, we will have a baby."

the woman scoffed and marched off to the kitchen, her husband following behind her. Nini was slamming pots and pans around.

"we've been trying to get pregnant for two years. two years Ricky! nothing is working! am i just not meant to be a mother? is that what the universe is telling me?" Nini wiped her tears with the backs of her hands.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now