what do we know about love?

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because we deserved a real rini goodbye.


Ricky is seated at his dressing room station as he closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. he tries not to think of the fact that this is the first opening night he's done without her there by his side.

he shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the thought as he looks at himself in the mirror. he can do this alone, he's gotten through it this far without her, he can perform the show without her too.

"hey! did anyone else get an opening night card from Nini?" Ashlyn asks the group.

well shit.

he turns his head to look at his red headed friend in surprise, "Nini's here?"

the girl nods, "did you get a card?"

"i don't think so," he frowns, "she must've forgot."

Ashlyn makes her way over to her curly haired friend, clasping her hand on his shoulder, "she could never forget you."

he watches his friend walk away through the mirror reflection. he tries not to think about what it would be like if they were still together and she'd come to camp with him.

the crew announces that it's five minutes till places and he knows he needs to shake it off and get ready.


she sneaks out of the back of the barn, placing all the cards she had backstage. she's making her way back to her car when her teacher stops her.

"Nini? is that you?"

"Miss Jenn, hi. how are you? how was your vacation with Mike?" Nini asks, making polite conversation while searching through her purse for her car keys.

the woman smiles, "it was nice. he's here tonight, i know he'd love to see you!"

"oh i'm not staying, i just wanted to drop off some opening night cards before i left."

"left?" the teacher gives her a puzzled look.

Nini sighs, "i've decided to do my senior year in LA. Jamie and i are working on my debut album, it's just easier if i stay there to work on my music."

Jenn gives the teenager a sad smile, "well i'm going to miss you sweetie. have you told Ricky and the guys yet?"

she furrows her brows, "why would i tell Ricky?"

"he's been talking about you all summer honey, about how proud he is of you. i think out of everyone, he deserves to hear it from you rather than anybody else."

the barn lights flash, indicating that the show is about to start. Jenn gives Nini a quick hug before running inside. the girl stands outside of the big red barn, biting her lip as she contemplates what to do.


he's made it through the show without any major hiccups, which is a huge deal for him considering the last two shows he did.

he sits onstage with his guitar for Kristoff's Lullaby, halfway through the song when the barn door opens slightly.

he just happens to look up as she enters the light. Nini. his Nini. she's here and watching him sing. he smiles slightly when they make eye contact and it makes his heart soar when she glances down with a smile on her face.

he finishes the song with her in mind. as he exits the stage he finds Gina, "Nini's here." his smile is wide.

the girl puts on a fake grin, "i know."

"what's up?"

she shrugs, "it'll always be her Ricky."

he furrows his brows as she walks on stage for her next scene. what's that supposed to mean?


the applause is still ringing in his ears as he gets out of his costume and into his regular clothes. he shrugs on his jean jacket and goes outside to find his dad.

he can't find him anywhere but he finds someone better standing by the picnic table by the bushes.

he takes a deep breath before approaching her, "hey."

"hi," she says as she meets his eyes, standing up to meet his eyes, she can't help but notice he grew a little bit more this summer, "you were amazing."

"it's because you were here," he shrugs as she gives him a questioning look, "ya know? cause you're my rock?"

she chuckles a little, "ahh yes."

they stand in silence for a moment, Ricky shoving his hands into his pants pockets as he rocks on his feet.

"happy birthday Ricky." Nini says quietly.

"you remembered."

she smiles, "of course i remembered, it's my favorite day of the year."

they both chuckle. Nini reaches into her purse and pulls out a small blue envelope, "for you."

"what's this?"

she rolls her eyes playfully, "open it goofball."

Ricky chuckles and shakes his head, peeling the back of the envelope. he doesn't ignore the way his eyes start to fill with tears, "you remembered the lottery ticket."

she shrugs, "i know it was your big birthday wish."

"it's not my big wish," he says, stuffing the ticket in his back pocket, "you being here was my big wish."

now it's her turn for tears to fill her eyes, "Ricky," she says quietly as he takes a step towards her, brushing some hair behind her hair, "we can't do this."

"why not?" he asks, his thumb running against her cheek.

she lets herself nudge into his hand, missing his touch after all these months, "i'm moving to LA. permanently."

his hand falls from her face with a sad huff of air. she watches as his gaze is everywhere except on her. she reaches out for his fingers, playing with the ring that's always on his index.

"why can't we get this right?"

Nini's heart nearly breaks at his words, "we will, someday. just not right now."

"i'm never going to truly let you go Nini. you'll forever be my greatest love and my best friend. no matter where you are."

she lets him pull her into a hug, resting comfortably against his chest. she smiles as he presses a kiss to the top of her hair.

"if you're ever in LA, you can always come see me." she says against his chest.

"don't tempt me Sal-Robs." he chuckles, squeezing her tighter against him.

they pull apart, still in each others arms. both stare into each others eyes, before they lean in at the same time, meeting sweetly in the middle. sparks still fly between them.

it's a quick kiss but it holds so much in it. it's years worth of love and heartbreak, hellos and goodbyes, friendship and more, everything.

when they pull away, they lean their foreheads together for a moment. Ricky nudges his nose against hers, smiling when she chases after him.

they let go of each other and know that this is it for now.

"i um, i need to get on the road. moms let me borrow the car but i need to get back to LA." Nini sniffles.

Ricky nods, "uh yeah, yeah you should probably get going."

"happy birthday Ricky, it was really good to see you."

she starts to head back to the parking lot when he calls out after her.

"yo Nini?"

she turns instinctively at his words.

Ricky smiles brightly, "we're gonna get this right some day. i promise."

she nods before turning back to leave.

she knows deep down that he's right, they'll get it right someday. she knows they will.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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