christmas with you

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a/n: before we start, i just want to say that this was totally inspired by Megreaders one shot "More Of You To Love" and i just couldn't help myself! so if any of this sounds familiar to that, just know that i by no means am trying to copy Meg or her story! i just felt the need to write my own version since i loved hers so much!! thank you!!


Nini knew something was off about her boyfriend, she just couldn't figure out what. it was nearing Christmas time, her favorite time of the year. the December snow was beginning to fall in Salt Lake as the young couple strolled around the downtown shopping center.

they were bundled up nicely for the cold winter air. Nini in her favorite dark blue pea coat and Ricky in his black down jacket, both with knit caps on their heads. her hand held his tightly as they window shopped, popping into a few places to look.

he seemed more tense than usual. he was always a little tense, that's what happens when you run the most successful music store in town, but he was worse than usual.

"baby," she says as she stops them, looking up at his dark brown eyes, "what's wrong?"

he tilted his head slightly, "what do you mean?"

her eyes softened a little, "you're kinda spacey tonight, and you've been really tense these last few weeks. more than usual. is something going on? is it me?"

"god no Neens! it's not you!" Ricky said as he pulled her to sit down on a near by bench, "it must just be the Christmas season, that's all."

"don't lie to me Ricky, please. we've been dating for what? 7 months? i know you and i certainly know when something is wrong. what's up?"

he sighs, rubbing his gloved hands frantically over his pants, "you're gonna dump me as soon as you find out."

her heart rate picked up at his words, "did you cheat on me?"

his hands rushed out to hold her cheeks, "NO! no, absolutely not darling, i would never."

she cracks a smile, "okay good," her hands reach for his that were on her cheeks, pulling them down to their laps as she rubbed her thumbs over his hands, "whatever it is can't be worse than that. i promise."

Ricky tilted his head back and took a deep breath, "i have a daughter."

Nini chuckled a little until she saw that he wasn't laughing, "wait, you're serious?"

"i didn't know how to tell you Neens, i didn't want to lose you. i've had a few failed relationships before we met because as soon as they found out about her, they couldn't handle it. i didn't tell you because i wanted to be selfish for once, i wanted to hold onto you and keep you to myself because you know i love you and i don't ever want to let you go but now that you know the truth, you're probably going to leave just like everyone else." Ricky rambles as tears start to fall down his cheeks.

her gloved hands wipe away the fallen tears as she holds his cheek in her palm, "Ricky, you could've told me."

he chuckles sarcastically, "what? was i supposed to show up on our first date and say 'hey a little bit about me, i'm 26 and a single dad!' cause that certainly wouldn't have made you run."

she sighs a little, "baby, you could've been honest with me. i love kids, and i love that you have a kid. it's just something else for me to love about you."

Ricky softens a little and leans in to kiss her softly, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers, "i'm sorry. i should've told you."

Nini shakes her head, "i understand why you didn't, it's okay. all that matters is that i'm not going anywhere. so, what's her name? how old is she?"

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now