happy birthday baby (j•o)

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a/n: VERY M RATED!!! you have been warned.

she loved his curls. correction; she loved running her fingers through his curls.

it was something she had done since they met when she was fifteen. it started out as a joke, her always saying how they looked so soft and fluffy and him daring her to touch them. then she would put her hand in his hair when she hugged him or when they were sitting next to each other she always had one hand in his curls.

he loved it just as much as she did. the feeling of her fingers through his hair was electrifying, the feeling of her nails lightly scraping his scalp, the way she'd tug on them of he did something to make her mad.

she couldn't get enough of them. when they started dating, it was just more of an excuse to be able to touch his hair. she wanted him to always have his curls. Claire has shown her pictures of him with his hair shorter and she adamantly told him that if he cut his curls off, she'd break up with him.

they were sitting on the couch in her dressing room. he had his head on her lap, her fingers threading through his hair as she smiled down at him.

"did you have a good birthday?" he asked quietly.

it had been a long day. Liv turned 17 plus they were filming all day. the cast had surprised her in her dressing room that morning with balloons and music and gifts. she was so surprised. Josh's mom and sister Claire were there to surprise her too which she loved since she didn't get to see them often.

Olivia played with the necklace around her neck and responded, "yes! it was perfect, thank you." she leaned down to kiss him quickly on the lips.

Josh had gotten her a tiny gold diamond necklace for her birthday. he knew she loved wearing dainty necklaces and she used to have one that her ex boyfriend had gotten her for christmas when they were first together, she stopped wearing it not long after she moved to Salt Lake and Josh knew she missed having one. so he found the most beautiful diamond necklace he could, though nothing was more beautiful than she was to him.

"do you like your gift?" he asked quietly.

Liv looked down at him as her fingers played with the diamond, "it's absolutely beautiful Josh. i don't deserve it, or you."

Josh smiled sweetly, "you're more beautiful though. nothing is better than you."

Olivia melted as she pulled him up to her lips. she couldn't believe this boy. she knew when they met at auditions when she was fifteen that they'd be friends forever. she lucked out by being dumped when she moved to SLC because then Josh was there to pick up the pieces. they've been inseparable ever since.

the kiss was passionate, Olivia's hands threading through his curls as Josh shifted them so that she was straddling his lap. she pulled away breathlessly when she ran out of air.

"it may be my birthday but i have a present for you."

Josh cocked his head to the side as a questioning glance appeared on his face. Olivia guided his hand from her hip down the front of her stomach, his hand tensing up when he realized where she was going.


"no, come on i'm seventeen now! it's not that bad! please Josh. i want you." the teen girl begged.

Josh was conflicted, yeah sure they had been dating for a while but they'd never really gone past the occasional gropping when they made out. sure they'd talked about sex but he thought they'd both agreed to wait until she was 18.

"Josh, i'm legal now in Salt Lake, we can't get in trouble. you know i love you, i want us to share that together. i want us to take our relationship to the next step."

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now