best friends brother

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growing up, Nini never had many girl friends. she just never was able to connect with them. that's why she had EJ.

EJ Caswell has been her best friend since she could remember. they met on the first day of kindergarten when they were outside for recess. he was playing kickball and Nini was sitting underneath a nearby tree, picking the butterweed's off of the ground. she was interrupted when a kickball hit her in the back of the head, the young boy running over to make sure she was okay. they've been inseparable ever since.

they lived down the street from each other so growing up they were always playing together. occasionally, EJ's cousin Ashlyn would join them and Nini didn't mind her because she was nice and liked to sing, like Nini.

everybody always asked her if they were dating, to which they would recoil in disgust at the mere thought of dating each other. in fact, Nini didn't date much. whether that had to do with the fact that no boys liked her or that EJ scared them off, we'll never know.

Nini knee EJ inside and out. that's why when he stormed into her house the summer before their junior year, she knew something was wrong. after some cookies and a walk around the block, Nini got EJ to tell her what was wrong. his dad was getting married, like in a few weeks. he had no idea his dad was even dating after his divorce the year before. but that wasn't even the worst part. this new woman had a son, EJ was gonna have a brother.

Nini wasn't invited to the wedding since it was family only, to which EJ argues to no avail, so she had no idea who these two new people in her best friends life were. she carefully walked down the street and up to the front porch of the Caswell house, a plate of cookies in her hands. she balanced the plate so she could knock gently.

there was some shuffling behind the door before it was pulled open. Nini couldn't help but gape at the boy in front of her. this mystery boy had the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and messy curls, he was tall, not as tall as EJ but still tall, and he had broad shoulders.

his eyebrows raised as he looked at Nini, "can i help you?"

Nini mentally cursed herself for staring and not saying anything, she blushed furiously, "oh, sorry, i'm looking for EJ, is he here?"

before the mystery boy could answer, her best friend came running down the hallway to the front door, "COOKIES!"

Nini laughed as EJ shoved the boy out of the doorframe and grabbed the plate from her hands. he ushered her into the house as he unwrapped the foil on the plate and took a bite of a cookie, "god Neens, these are your best ones yet."

Nini waved him off, "nah, somethings not right yet, i'm still working on getting it perfect."

EJ shook his head, "well as long as you keep bringing me cookies, i'll be happy." EJ glanced to see mystery boy still standing next to the door, a look of confusion on his face, "oh my bad! Nini this is Ricky, Ricky, Nini. this is my new step brother Neens."

Nini held her hand out for the boy who she now knew as Ricky to shake, "nice to meet you Ricky. i don't think i've seen you around before, you didn't go to East High did you?"

Ricky shook his head, "no, i went to West High but since moving here i'm going to East in the fall."

she smiled brightly at him, "good! you'll have EJ and i to show you around! also, if you want a cookie you should grab one now because he will eat all of them."

Ricky watched as Nini and EJ walked into the living room, her hand on his back, rubbing it as he shoved cookies down his face. for some reason, he felt his heart drop at the affectionate action.

the curly haired boy watched from the other couch as EJ and Nini cuddled while Tangled played on the tv, the two whispering things to each other and laughing throughout the film.

common sense • rini/jolivia one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now