(190): Say You Like Me (Part One)

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I'll get started on requests as soon as possible. Until then, enjoy this Fred x Reader. I was kind of inspired by the song 'Say You Like Me' by We The Kings. ^-^

I had to split this up into two parts~


It's a Friday afternoon. Classes at SFIT just ended. Fred, the school mascot, is dressed in his green costume. He holds a pile of flyers, advertising a fundraiser that's going on during tonight's basketball game. He hands them out just outside of the gymnasium.

Fred cheerfully passes the papers out. Everyone replies with a smile or a nod. Almost every student goes to the basketball games. Only one doesn't.


Fred spots you walking down the hall. His heart skips a beat. He's had a crush on you for a long time. You've said only a few words to him and you hardly notice him. Fred sighs. He couldn't help but like you. You're reserved, quiet, but smart and kind. He loves the way your (h/c) hair falls perfectly down your shoulders and back, how your (e/c) eyes light up when you read.

Your head is down, your arms clutching your books to your chest.

"Hey, ___!" Fred greets.

You blink, shocked to hear your name. You glance up and see Fred. He waves a green claw at you and grins. You smile, too shy to say anything. You walk away from him.

"Hey, wait up!" Fred chases you down. "Are you going to the game tonight?"

You shake your head.

"Really? Why not?"

"Games aren't really my thing."

"Okay. How about we go out later?"

You stop walking and look at him.

"We can go to the cafe or to a movie."

"Um. Sure, I guess," You say.

"Great! I can pick you up after the game. Is that okay?"

"That sounds good," You say. You smile. "I'd better get ready. I'll see you."

Fred grins. "See you."

You walk off, giving a small wave.

When you're out of sight, Fred jumps up with excitement. "Yes!" A few flyers scatter around the halls, but Fred's too distracted to pick them up.


Later that night, you sit on your bed. Fred should be here anytime. You're kinda nervous. How's this going to go? Are you going to come off as annoying? As boring? As childish? There's a knock at the door. You take a deep breath and go to answer it. Too late to bail now.

"Hi, Fred," You greet with a smile.

"Hey," He says. He's dressed in his normal, everyday outfit. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," You say. You shut the door behind you. "So where are we going?"

"(Favorite_restaurant) sound good?"

"That sounds great!"

Fred almost sighs with relief. He had no idea if that was a good choice or not. He hardly knew you.

And you hardly knew him. You stop in your tracks when you see the limo parked in front of your lawn. "Oh my gosh. I-Is this. . . yours?"

"Yeah. Well, technically it's my dad's. He let me borrow it for the evening."

"This is amazing," You breathe. The driver's door opens and a man steps out.

"___, this is Heathecliffe." Fred gives Heathecliffe a fist bump.

"Hi," You greet.

"Alright, Heathecliffe. Can you drive us to (favorite_restaurant)?"

Heathecliffe nods. He pulls open the car door. Fred gestures for you to go. "Ladies first."

You smile and slide into the limo. Fred follows. As Heathecliffe pulls away, you shake your head. "I can't believe that I'm in a limo. I had no idea that you had so much money, Fred."

"Just my dad, really. I don't get paid for sitting around. I wish that I did."

You laugh. "I do, too. What's your dream job?"

"Sitting around!" Fred laughs. "Kidding. Um, being a super hero."

"A super hero, huh?" You ask. Fred nods. "Hate to break it to you, dude. It's nearly impossible to be a super hero."

"Hate to break it to you, dude. It's not nearly as impossible as you think."

"Huh?" You ask.

"I'll explain later. Let's eat!" He shoves the car door open and helps you out. You smile at him. Hanging out with Fred was easy and fun. You're really starting to like him.

After dinner, Fred takes you to his mansion. "Wow," You whisper, in awe of the fancy furniture and beautiful decore. "This is amazing."

"Just wait." He takes your hand and runs down the hall.

"Fred? Where are we going?" You laugh.

He comes to a sudden stop in front of a picture.

"It's a, um, lovely picture," You say, a little confused.

Fred lifts your hand. "Touch the frame," He urges. You look at him. "Seriously."

"Okay." You reach out and touch the frame. Suddenly, the wall opens up. You jump back. Fred walks in. You hesitate a moment before following. "What is this?"

"You say that being a super hero isn't possible," Fred says. You gaze in awe at all of the hero items. "But it is. If it weren't, I wouldn't be a hero, right?"

"You're a hero?" You ask. Fred nods. "No way!"

"Way. I've never told anyone about this room. You're the only one. And I'd like to keep this a secret. Can you?"

"Definitely," You assure him. You continue to look around. "This is amazing."

Fred stands beside you. You look down at his hand and slowly reach out to grab it.


Over the next month, Fred is sure that you have feelings for him, just by the way you act. If you do, then why aren't you saying something? Fred comes up with a plan. With a school dance coming up, he needs to ask you.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now