(304): New Hero (Part One)

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Fred x Reader requested by SkysongGaming. I made this a Fred x Reader because I needed to fit another one in. I hope this is okay!


You're in the car with your three best friends and your boyfriend, Fred. He's sitting in the seat beside you, his face pressed up against the window. Wasabi glances backwards and sighs.

"Fred, could you please not press your face up against the glass? I just had this thing washed!" Wasabi exclaims.

"Sorry, Wasabi," Fred says, pulling away from the window. "I was just looking for Hiro."

You frown. You were hanging out with your friends when you all received calls. Hiro had been distant ever since the death of his brother, Tadashi, and everyone was shocked to see him reach out.

"We'll stop at the cafe and see if he's awake. If he's not, we'll know that it was an accident for him to call us."

"Uh, Wasabi?" Honey Lemon asks nervously from the seat behind you. "Isn't that Hiro?"

Fred unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over until his face is just above your shoulder. He gasps. "That is him!"

Squinting, you make out two figures that are walking down an alleyway. You shake your head and look over at Fred. "What is he doing?"

Fred shakes his head, slowly sliding back to his seat. "I'm not sure. Follow him!"

"Don't drive too fast, Wasabi. We can't let him know that we're onto him."

The drive ends up lasting longer than you thought. What was Hiro doing? Your friends all end up driving near San Fransokyo Bay.

"There!" Fred says, pointing at a figure through the windshield.

Wasabi picks up the speed and slams on his breaks when Hiro is in front of the car. Everyone climbs out quickly. You run to Hiro. "What are you doing out here?"

He looks around nervously, "I-I am going for a walk. It helps my pubescent mood swings."

"Your what?"

He shakes his head. "Guys!" he exclaims, "You have to get out of here!"

"Don't push us away, Hiro," Honey Lemon pleads. "We're here for you."

You glance behind Hiro and see Baymax. "Baymax?"

"Yeah, why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants?" Go Go asks.

"You have to go!" Hiro pushes.

"Hiro," you plead. You place a hand on his shoulder. "We're here for you."

Fred steps forward and his hand falls on the small of your back. He nods in agreement.

"Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones," Baymax states.

"Oh! I'll go," Fred says. You roll your eyes. When your gaze lands on a dark figure on top of one of the crates, you squint your eyes. What is that? "my name is Fred and it has been thirty days since my last-"

"Move!" you shout. You throw your arms out and shove both Fred and Hiro away. They fall into Honey Lemon, Go Go, and Wasabi, knocking them out of the way of the falling crate that was thrown by Yokai. You drop to the ground, eyes frozen on the large box. Much to your surprise and relief, the crate is stopped by Baymax.

Fred pushes himself forward, crying out, "Holy mother of Megazon!" He leans down and wraps his arms around your waist, dragging you away from the danger of the falling crate. Honey Lemon snaps a picture of the man in the kabuki mask as Fred helps you stand.

Everyone bolts for the car. Fred opens the back door and shoves you inside, quickly sliding in behind you. Wasabi starts the vehicle. Fred brushes your hair away and checks you over for bruises. He is a laid back person for himself, but when it comes to you, he is very protective. "I'm fine," you assure him, forcing a smile on your face. "Really, Freddie. I'm okay."

Fred opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a loud sound as Baymax's armor meets the roof of the car.

"Goodbye!" Wasabi exclaims, backing away quickly.

"Hiro. Explanation. Now."

Hiro shakes his head from the seat in front of you. "He started the fire, stole my microbots-- I don't know who he is!"

"Is he following us?" Honey Lemon asks.

You and Fred both turn to face the back window. You swallow when you see him rising from a tower of microbots. "Y-Yeah!"

Fred leans in closer to the window. "Wait a minute! That mask, the black suit! We're under attack by a super villain, people! How cool is that?" He looks at you and grins. "I mean, it's scary, and you almost died, which is not cool - by the way, don't do that again, but seriously, how cool!"

Hiro pleads with Go Go and Wasabi to stop the car and let Baymax fight. You resist the urge to lean over the seat and hit him upside the head. "Hiro!" you exclaim, "that's ridiculous!"

"Car!" Fred shouts suddenly. You gasp and Wasabi swerves around.

Go Go shouts, "Did you just turn your blinker on?"

"You have to indicate your turn! It's the law!" You roll your eyes.

Suddenly, he stops. Go Go looks around. "Why are we stopped?"

"The light's red!" Wasabi replies.

"There are no red lights in a car chase!" Go Go shouts. "That's it." She takes over the wheel, and you find yourself in an actual action movie scene. You hold onto Fred's hand tightly.

You gasp when you notice the microbots swarming the car. You're jerked around as the wheels leave the road and glide across the moving platform of bots. The opening at the end is closing quickly. "We're not going to make it!"

"We're going to make it," Honey assures you.

"We're not going to make it!" Fred wraps his left arm around you and braces himself against the right side of the car. You close your eyes tightly. The window behind you is suddenly shattered. You look behind you and see the man in the mask. He glares at Hiro, realizes that he's too far away to reach, and grabs you, instead, with his microbots. You're pulled out of the car.

"___!" Fred shouts. He tries to jump out but is held back by Honey Lemon.

"No, Freddie!"

"Fred!" You scream. You watch in fear as your friends crash through the bots and plunge into the dark water. Yokai drags you away. You're not sure as to why he took you. Maybe because you saved them in the first place, or maybe because you were the first one to grab. All you know is that you want your friends to be safe more than anything.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now