(352): Do Something (Sibling Hiro/Tadashi) (Part Two)

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Part two! I'm sorry that it isn't long. After all of the arguments on my last update, I'm not feeling like writing.

By the way-- what do you guys think about me writing a Zombie Apocalypse AU Hiro x Reader? I've been writing one on the side, and I think that with a bit of editing, it'd be pretty good. Lemme know what you think!


Going to Tadashi's funeral reminds you of when you went to your parents' funeral. It's a sick memory that only makes today harder.

You were eleven when they died. Aunt Cass told you that the snow wouldn't stop coming down when they were driving home. They lost control of their car and that was it.

"___, do you think Mom and Dad were in pain when they died?" Tadashi asked you as you helped him comb through his messy hair before the funeral.

You couldn't tell him that your mother was alive when they found her. That half of her went through the windshield, but she was still breathing, still crying. "It doesn't matter now, 'Dashi. They're gone and they aren't hurting."

He nodded and wiped away a tear. "I just hope they're happy."

"Of course they are. They're together in heaven now."

Hiro walked into the bedroom with his thumb in his mouth. Your mother kept trying to break him from that habit, and without her here, he would continue it. "Hiro, stop sucking your thumb."

"Just let him, ___," Tadashi said.

"No. He's not a baby anymore!"

"And you're not Mom!" Tadashi shouted. "You can't become her!"

Hiro then started to cry. Tadashi never got angry; especially towards you or him.

"I know I'm not Mom," you said softly. "I could never be her. But I have to take care of you guys because you're my little brothers."

Tadashi nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

Hiro walked up to you and tugged on the end of your black dress. You looked down and he blinked away his tears. "Are you our new Mommy?"

"No," you replied in horror. "No, I'm your sister."

"Is Aunt Cass our new Mommy?"

"No, Hiro," Tadashi replied sadly. "We don't have a mom anymore."

"We do," you said. "Mom is just in heaven."

"With Daddy?" he asked.

"And Grandma and Grandpa Hamada..." Tadashi smiled sadly.

"Yup. I bet they're having dinner right now," you continued. "And Dad's probably begging Mom to eat his horrible meatloaf."

Tadashi laughed. "Probably bribed her with his apple pie."

"I want apple pie!" Hiro exclaimed.

You smiled. "Well, we live in a café now. Maybe Aunt Cass can make us one." Your brothers smiled and nodded. For a minute, it all felt perfect.

Then there was a knock on the door. Aunt Cass stepped in with her black umbrella and black dress. "It's time to go."

The happiness ended. You wanted to cry, but you had to be strong for your brothers.

Now you have to do it again.

After the funeral, you sat beside Hiro on the staircase and held his hand. Everyone else was talking around you, but your focus was on the floor for hours.

"___," Hiro says, bringing you out of your trance.


"When you said that you were going to do something, what did you mean by that?" He looks up at you with his big brown eyes, and it takes you back to the times he would fall and scrape up his knee.

He would always come to you, not Tadashi, for comfort, because getting hurt made him miss your Mom. You looked more like your mother, so it made sense. You would hold him and tell him that it would be okay.

You have to make this okay.

"I'm going to fix this," you tell him. You look down and bite your lip. "I'm going to fix this... because... because I don't think this was an accident."

Hiro gasps and shakes his head. "Wait, you think that someone killed our brother?"

"Maybe. I don't have proof-"

"Of course you don't have proof! You're insane!" Hiro exclaims. He pulls his hand away and runs up the steps.

"Hiro, wait!"

"I'm not sticking around while you search for the beginning of a murder trail that doesn't exist. You want to help me, but making stories up isn't going to help."

You're left alone. Is this crazy? You sigh and slump forward. The tissue that you've been holding crumbles in your cold hand. It won't be crazy if you find your lead. "I can't do that," you whisper to yourself. Hiro's right; you are crazy. You shake your head and stand up, turning to your bedroom. When you step inside, Hiro is already hiding underneath a pile of blankets. You sigh and turn to your side of the room. You lay down, but you can't sleep. Instead, you think about what you can do for your little brother.

Super lame, but I don't feel like writing. Part Three will be up tomorrow and it'll be entertaining.

Don't forget to let me know about how you feel about the Hiro x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU!

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