(300): San Fransokyo (Hiro)

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Hiro x Reader for the 300th! You all had wonderful ideas, but I ultimately decided to go for one with a more comic book feel. If you requested on the last chapter, yours will definitely be posted!

BTW-- this involves the deleted villains The Fujitas!


"Welcome to Lucky Cat Cafe," you recite to the young couple sitting at the small table. You flash a friendly smile and finish, "May I interest you in a glass of our new passion fruit tea?"

"Sure," the young girl replies, "I would also like a slice of chocolate cake."

"And I would like a cup of coffee," the man orders nicely.

"Would you like creamer with it?" you question as you jot down the order in the small pad of paper.

"No, thank you," he says.

"Alright, it'll be out in a few," you say. You make your way through the lines of tables and towards the cash register. "Cass, we've got a couple of orders over here."

"In a minute, ___," she says. You turn your head and see her, as well as the rest of the customers, staring at the small flat screen on the wall. It's on a local news channel. She turns up the volume and everyone falls silent.

"We are currently watching what could result in a major catastrophe," The news reporter announces. "The Fujitas were spotted near downtown and immediately fell into action. We're here with our guest speaker, the writer of San Fransokyo Journal. You were downtown when everything erupted. What is it looking like?"

"Well, there are flames everywhere," the writer says, "broken windows. . . the entire city will fall apart of Big Hero 6 do not resolve this quickly enough."

"It's true that you, writer of San Fransokyo Journal, recently wrote an article claiming the danger and irresponsibility of the heroes, correct?"

"This is true. It's not that I'm not thankful for the heroes. They're good when the police station is swamped, but you would be crazy to disagree with me when I say that it is because of them that we have such a high crime rate when it comes to villains such as the Yokai and Fujitas." You bite down on your lip to hide the annoyance. You happened to be the fiancee of one of the team members, Hiro Hamada. Of course, his identity was still a secret, as it has been for six years.

"I can't argue with you there." There's a pause in audio before a voice says, "And it looks like our heroes have arrived! The team of Big Hero 6 have flown in and are surrounding The Fujitas. It looks like another win for our super team of super heroes. We'll-" His voice stops. Half of the screen is the live footage, half his profile. The footage isn't very clear, so you're not sure of what is happening. His face pales and his mouth drops open as he is watching the footage that is playing. Your breath hitches in your throat. "I-I- What is going on?"

"Looks like a hero has been injured," a female voice injects.

"U-Um, it looks like one of our heroes has been wounded. Whether this is fatal or not, we are unsure, but we will keep you updated."

"Oh, no," Aunt Cass says from beside you. "This is awful."

Please don't be Hiro, please don't be Hiro.

"Reports are flooding in that the hero injured is the male in the purple armor. He was knocked off of the red armored one by a weapon. Now, his identity has remained a secret, so we are unsure of his name. We will continue to keep you updated. See you all in twenty-five minutes." The news cuts off to a commercial for a new brand of pasta.

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