(208): Easter Egg Hunt

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Team x Reader requested by Skye1111. ^-^
I hope that you all have had/are having a wonderful Easter!


You're hanging out with your six best friends at Fred's mansion. Heathecliffe is preparing Easter dinner. Everyone's sitting around Fred's room, bored.

"Guys, ___ and I just had a great idea!" Honey Lemon exclaims.

Fred looks up from his comic book. "Have you decided that giving me potion that turns me into a fire breathing lizard at will is actually science?"

"Um, no, Freddie," Honey Lemon says sweetly.

"Okay. Tingly fingers?"

"No, Freddie. It doesn't have anything to do with superpowers."

Fred sighs and slumps back into his chair.

"___ and I were talking about having an egg hunt!" Honey Lemon says excitedly.

Everyone looks at each other. Go Go is the first to speak up.

"Um, don't you think we're a little old to have an egg hunt?"

Honey Lemon gasps. "You're never too old for an egg hunt!"

"I'm in," Hiro says.

Fred jumps up. "I'm all for this idea. In fact, I think that my mom has some plastic eggs in the leftover Easter decorations. We can fill them with candy!"

"What candy?" Wasabi asks.

Fred walks to his bed and pulls three king sized bags of jellybeans and mini candy bars out from under it.

Wasabi groans with disgust. "You keep candy under your bed?"

Fred looks around. "Um, yeah. You don't?"

Hiro laughs. Wasabi shakes his head slowly. "No. I don't. Nobody does!"

Fred shrugs and walks out.

"Go Go, Wasabi? Will you please, please, please do an egg hunt with us?"

Go Go pops a pink bubble and sighs. "Fine. Yeah, okay."

"Yay! Wasabi?"

"Yeah," He says with a smile.


"Hey, guys," Fred says. He tosses the bag of plastic eggs on the bed. "Dinner is ready."


After dinner, you wait in Fred's room with your friends while Heathecliffe hides the eggs in the backyard. Everyone holds grocery bags, because Fred couldn't find any Easter baskets.

Heathecliffe walks back into the mansion and clears his throat. Everyone shoots up and runs out the door. You immediately run for the garden, where you find three eggs. You run off towards the trees, where you find two more. You spot one in a bush and reach out for one.

"Need this," Go Go says as she snatches it.

"Hey! You can't do that!" You shout as she runs off.

"Why not?" She shouts back.

You frown and keep looking.

You see Baymax waddling towards you, picking eggs out of the trees where Hiro can't reach. "Pretty sure that's cheating," You say with a smirk.

"Pretty sure it's not," He responds.

You roll your eyes and walk off. You see Honey Lemon, reaching out and plucking eggs out of high areas. Fred frowns at his bag.

"How many have you found?" You ask him.

"Like, four," He grumbles.

You smile. "Go follow Go Go. She misses a lot of the eggs because they're too high up."

Fred laughs. "That's cruel. But brilliant. Thanks!"

"Anytime," You say.

You continue to walk, finding a couple of pink and green eggs here and there. You hear Wasabi give out a high pitched scream. You run to his side.

"Ugh! You can have that egg! There is no way that I am digging through mud to get an egg."

"It's hardly even in the mud," You say with a laugh.

"Still." Wasabi shudders and walks off.

"Hey, guys!" Fred calls out. "Heathecliffe says that we got them all!"


Back inside, the seven of you gather on the floor to count up the eggs and candy. After counting, you all lay around, stuffed with candy.

"That was awesome," Fred says.

"Yeah," Go Go sighs.

"Next year we'll have another egg hunt!" Honey Lemon exclaims. "We can have even more eggs and chocolate-"

"Ugh, don't even mention chocolate," Fred groans.

"Avoid a sore tummy by not eating too much chocolate," Baymax says.

"Little to late for that one," Fred says.

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