(197): I'm Sorry

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Tadashi x Reader requested by Sunshine_Sailor. Lots of feels~


You wake up and immediately turn on your laptop to check your email. For the last three years, your email was one of the few ways to reach your best friend. Tadashi Hamada was that friend. The two of you had been inseparable since second grade, only to be forced apart when you had to move away from San Fransokyo. It broke the two of you, but you managed to keep in touch.

With only phone call each month because the distance was large and the price was too much for your budget, you emailed him each day. You promised to visit him later this month, something that you've been playing to do since you moved away.

You log on to your email and smile when you see that you have a new message sent from Tadashi.

Hey, ___!
Good morning-- for you. It's late here. I actually have pretty exciting news to tell you today. So, first off, I got arrested today. That wasn't fun. It's all on Hiro, though. Knucklehead is still betting on bot fights.
Anyway, after that, I promised Hiro that I'd drive him to another bot fight. He wanted to go to ANOTHER one. After he was arrested! Crazy, right? Of course, I wasn't going to drive him there. Instead, I drove him to the school. He met my friends and I showed him Baymax. He loved it so much, he decided to sign up for the showcase that's in a few months. I've been giving him as much support as I can. That kid's going to do great things. Everything's going great. The only downside is that I won't be able to email as much as I'd like to.
At least I get to see you in a few weeks!

Your best friend,

Tadashi Hamada

You smile. At least Hiro's doing something with that big brain of his. You type a quick reply:


That's great! Not being arrested, of course. That's crazy! Who would've thought that the perfect Tadashi Hamada would be arrested?
I knew that you'd knock some sense into Hiro! It sucks that you can't email as much anymore, but I am SERIOUSLY excited to see you again!
Wish Hiro good luck for me!

Your best friend,


You log off of the computer and get ready for school. It's been hard to concentrate. You've been planning everything; how it will be when you see Tadashi for the first time at the airport, what you'll wear, how you'll spend your time. You want it to be perfect. You've missed him.


The weeks pass. They pass slowly. You're so excited to see Tadashi. Then, your (mom/dad/guardian) give you a list of reasons why you shouldn't see Tadashi. It would be awkward seeing him after all this time, you would be a burden on Aunt Cass, the flight is long and boring and possibly dangerous, it's too expensive. You hear all of those a million times until your parents finally tell you that they aren't letting you go.

You are heartbroken. You tell Tadashi, who tells you that it can be rescheduled to a later date. You pretend to be okay with not getting to go. Tadashi's still busy. His emails become less frequent and shorter until they finally just stop.


It's been almost two months since you've talked to Tadashi. You don't try to push him to answer. Tadashi really wants Hiro to do well. He's probably spending all of his time with him. You don't want to hurt Hiro's chances of getting into his nerd school.


Five months later and you're panicking. The showcase had to of passed, right? Obviously. It can't take that long. Has Tadashi forgotten about you? No way! You're his best friend. Has he lost interest? Maybe. But he wouldn't leave you in silence. Did Hiro make it into nerd school? You decide to find out.

You get on your laptop and search, 'Hiro Hamada'. Articles come up. They're all months old. One of the top ones catches your eye. It reads:

San Fransokyo Institute of Technology Student Killed In Massive Fire

One below it reads:

City Mourns and Remembers Professor and Student Who Were Lost In Deadly Fire

Your stomach twists in knots. Was it Hiro? You click on one of the links. You hand flies up to your mouth as a picture of Tadashi appears on the screen, followed by the words:

Tadashi Hamada, age 19, was tragically killed in a fire that consumed the showcase late last night. Witnesses say that he ran to save his professor, Robert Callaghan, who was also killed in the fire.

You jump away from the laptop and sprint to the bathroom. You make it just in time before you get sick.

Tadashi has been dead. For months. He hasn't been on this earth. You collapse on the floor and cry. You're sure that you'll drown in your tears, but you don't care.


You arrive in San Fransokyo later that week. You begged your family to let you go, and they let you, because of your heartache. You need closure.

As soon as you arrived, you checked into a hotel and then walked to the graveyard that served as a memorial for Tadashi. You bring him a bouquet of flowers. You always pictured seeing Tadashi and leaping into his arms, grinning and laughing and wearing a bright colored sundress. Today, you see his grave, a tissue clutched in your hand and tears pooling out of your eyes, and wearing a black dress. You set the flowers down.

"Hey, Tadashi. Funny how I'm here now, right? Yeah. They let me go see you, finally. I'll be completely honest here, Tadashi. This isn't how I imagined it." You kneel down on the grass in front of the gravestone and hesitantly trace the scratches thats say, 'Tadashi Hamada', with your fingertips. "I-I'm sorry," You choke out. "I'm sorry that I wasn't here. I should've been. I could've stopped you. You could've stayed with me, with Hiro. Instead I was at home. I didn't even know that you were dead, Tadashi. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You'll always be my best friend, okay? I miss you. I miss you terribly." You lean down and press your forehead to the cold marble stone. "I'm sorry," You whisper. You know that there was nothing that you could of done. It didn't matter. You're heartbroken. Tadashi didn't deserve this. He needed a long, happy life. He didn't get what he deserved.

You wipe your eyes and walk back to the hotel, still apologising to Tadashi in your head.

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