(224): Early

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A pregnant Reader x Wasabi that I just thought of! ^-^


"___?" Your husband, Wasabi calls from the hallway. You're standing in front of your mirror and doing your hair.

"Yeah?" You ask, wrapping the hair tie around your ponytail.

"Do you know when your next ultrasound is? I forgot to write it down in my planner."

You laugh and shake your head. Wasabi walks into the room, planner in hand.

"What?" He asks. "What's funny?"

"Nothing," You say. "It's a month from next week."

"Okay." He scribbles it down. "Today's your six and half month mark. So remind me again why we're waiting to find out in a month what the baby is?"

"Because that's when they scheduled us. Besides, it's not that long, and Fred will be back from his family's island then. I want everyone to be there for our gender reveal party."

Wasabi smiles. He walks to your side. He wraps his arms around you from behind. You lean into his embrace. He props his chin on your shoulder and looks at your swollen stomach in the mirror. You place your hands on it.

"I can't believe that we're going to be parents in just a couple of months," He whispers.

"I know," You whisper back. With a light laugh, you add, "I can't believe that I'm getting so big." You frown a little.

Wasabi smiles. He kisses the top of your head and whispers, "Don't worry about it. You're perfect."


--One Month Later--

I'm just a couple of days, you'll be finding out what your baby is. You're excited, Wasabi is excited. If the baby is a girl, you want to name her (girl_name). If the baby is a boy, Wasabi wants to name the baby (boy_name). The nursery colors are already being planned out according to genders.

That night, you're laying in bed next to Wasabi. You groan and adjust your pillows, again.

Wasabi laughs. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I'm so uncomfortable!" You exclaim. "And I don't have enough pillows!"

"Call down," He says. "Here. Have one of my pillows." He hands you a pillow.

"Thank you," You breathe.

"You're welcome." Unable to sleep, you decide to read for a bit. Wasabi brushes your hair. After a few minutes of silence, Wasabi yawns. "I'm so tired."

"Then go to sleep," You say.

He yawns again. "I am. Goodnight, love." He sits up and kisses you.

"Night. I love you."

Wasabi lays down and covers up. He faces the other wall so the light of the lamp on your nightstand won't keep him up. You read for an hour before you start feeling a little drowsy yourself.

You turn the lamp off and lay down. You close your eyes. A pang of sharp, intense pain hits your abdomen. You gasp and your hands fly up to your stomach. You take deep breaths as it fades away. What was that?

It hits again, worse than the first time. It takes your breath away. You close your eyes and twist your fingers around the blanket. "Wasabi!" You exclaim. You hit his back and cry out in pain. You're panicking. Is something wrong with the baby?

"W-What?" He asks, shooting up. He's half asleep. "What is it?" He turns the lamp on and sees you sitting up, your hands on your knees. You're gagging. "___!" He pushes your hair out of your face and climbs off of the bed. He kneels in front of you, his hands on your stomach. "___, what is it?"

"I don't know," You gasp. "Something's wrong-" The pain hits once more. You scream.

Wasabi's heart is thudding against his ribs. He grabs his phone and dials 911. "Help," He cries. "My wife, she's pregnant and in a lot of pain. . .  something is wrong! No, it's not labor! She's only seven months. Help her, please! I don't know what to do! Hurry!" He drops the phone and grabs your face gently. "___, I need you to hold it together," He says. You're sobbing. He touches his forehead to yours and closes his eyes. Your hands grasp his wrists tightly. "I love you, ___. I love you. I need you to stay strong. Stay strong. I need you. We need you."

You nod. You hear sirens in the distance. Wasabi wipes the sweat and tears off of your cheeks. "Something is wrong," You say again. "The baby- my baby-" Wasabi runs to the front door.

"She's upstairs!" He shouts. "Help her!"


An hour, Wasabi is pacing in the waiting room. He was told that the baby was coming. Something went wrong and it sent you into a premature labor. They wouldn't even let him be in the same room with you. Wasabi is a mess. Nothing went right. All of his plans, for nothing. Will you lose the baby? Will he lose you?

"Sir," A nurse says. "You may see your wife. Follow me."

Wasabi basically runs to your room. You're laying in the hospital bed, sweat dripping down your face.

"Wasabi," You breathe. He stumbles to you.

He cradles your face in his hands and kisses you. "___," He says, kissing you again. "Are you okay?"

"I've been better," You say.

"And the. . . baby?" He asks.

"Our (son/daughter) is perfect." Tears spring into your eyes.

"(Son/daughter)?" He asks. You nod. "(He/She) is okay?"

"Yes," The doctor interrupts. "But if she had arrived here a moment later both she and your child would be dead. That was quite close."

"Can I see the baby?" He asks.

The nurse walks in with a small baby, wrapped up in a soft pink and blue blanket. Wasabi holds the baby. He smiles and tears flood through his eyes.

"(She/He)'ll have to stay here for a while," You say.

"That's okay," Wasabi whispers.

"I'm sorry that your plans didn't exactly work out."

Wasabi smiles. "Don't be. I'm just glad that you're both okay. I love you two, so much." Wasabi kisses your forehead, then the baby's.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now