(200): Big Hero 7

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Here it is, the 200th one shot! I never thought that I'd write this much. I never thought that so many people would read, either! Thank you all sooo much for sticking around! I'm so grateful for you guys being there for me and reading my kind of awkward stories.
Here's a Team x Reader for you guys! Enjoy!


You step into the Lucky Cat Café at around ten in the evening. The plans for tonight were to just hang around the café. A typical night with friends.

When you walk in, everyone is already there. Hiro, Wasabi, Go Go, Fred, and Honey Lemon sit at the biggest table. Aunt Cass sits a plate of baked goodies on the table. Even Mochi is down here, circling everyone's feet in hopes of a few chunks of bread or pieces of cake. The TV plays The local news channel quietly in the corner.

"Hey, ___!" Your friends all say together. Go Go gives you a welcoming nod to the seat in front of her. She blows and pink bubble and then pops it.

You wave as you pull out your chair. "Hey, guys!" You take a seat between Hiro and Honey Lemon.

"Glad that you could finally make it," Wasabi says.

Fred holds up a finger. "Oh!" He slides a comic book across the table. You pick it up. "It's the (favorite_superhero) comic that I promised to let you borrow."

You grin. "Thanks, Freddie!"

"Not a problem."

"Oh, it's so great to have everyone here!" Honey Lemon says. She pulls out her phone. "Cass, get over here! We so need a picture for this!" Cass walks quickly to the table, scooping Mochi up into her arms. Honey Lemon readies her camera.

"Wait!" Hiro interrupts. "Baymax has to be here!"

You all wait as Hiro sprints up the stairs to get his inflatable friend. He returns with a waddling Baymax.

"Hurry up, buddy!" Hiro encourages.

"I am not fast," Baymax says.

"Yeah, no kidding," Hiro mumbles under his breath.

Hiro and Baymax take their places. "Ready?" Honey Lemon asks, holding up her phone. Everyone nods. "Okay. ¡Foto foto!"

She clicks the picture. Aunt Cass smiles and takes Mochi towards the stairs. "I'm off to bed. Goodnight, guys!"

"Night!" Everyone calls.

"So-" Honey begins a story, only to be cut off by Fred, who gasps.

"Guys! Look at the TV!"

Everyone's eyes immediately turn to the TV. "Can someone turn it up?" You ask.

Hiro runs over to the screen. He jumps up so he can hit the volume switch. Baymax sees his struggle and waddles over. He reaches up a fat arm and turns the volume up. Hiro's face burns red and he sits down.

Total chaos is displayed on the TV. Police cars, ambulances, crowds of people running in the opposite direction of the mess.

You squint at the TV. "Is that. . .?"

Fred gasps. "It can't be!"

A villain appears on the screen. Your heart thudders at the sight of (favorite_villain_name).

"It is!" Fred shoots up and out of his seat. "It's (villain)!"

"No way. This is the weirdest thing that I've seen all day," Wasabi says.

Honey gasps quietly and shakes her head. "All of those people. . . Hiro, can't we help?"

"I say we help," Go Go says.

"I say we, uh, let me fall behind." Wasabi looks at the screen nervously.

Hiro stands up. "We're helping. Come on guys, let's suit up!"


You suit up in your (fav_color) suit. You test out your power with Go Go while the others were suiting up. Your power is (power_choice).

When everyone is finished, you all take off. As soon as your team is in sight, the crowds of people cheer. "Look! It's Big Hero 7!"

The cops let out sighs of relief. Hiro drops down in front of them. "What seems to be the problem?" He asks.

"(Villain) just attacked. Out of nowhere. (He/She) is just terrorising, I think. This is way more than we can handle."

"We've got it." Hiro turns back to his team. "Ready, guys?"

Everyone nods.

"Remember: we stick together. Stay with your group. Let's go!"

You run alongside Honey Lemon and Wasabi. Go Go dashes away. Fred leaps onto a building. Hiro flies off on Baymax.

"Do you see him?" Wasabi asks.

"No," Honey says. "___?"

You stop and hold you arms out as a warning for Wasabi and Honey Lemon to stop. "Shh. Wait." You listen for a noise. You wait. You hear a light patting of footsteps across pavement. "There!" You chase down the sidewalk, your friends trailing behind. You turn once, then twice.

"___, hang on! You're a lot faster than us!" Wasabi screams.

"___!" Honey shouts.

You don't stop. You can't stop. (Villain) is just right there. So close. You have to catch (him/her). Finally, (Villain) reaches a dead end. (He/She) glances around, searching for an exit.

"It's over, (Villain)!" You say.

(Villain) glares. "I don't think so."

Your eyes widen in fear as (Villain) points (weapon) at you. You freeze.

"___! Hang on!" You look up and see Hiro and Baymax. Baymax reaches down and picks you off of the ground. Hiro helps pull you up. "You okay?" He asks.

You nod. "Yeah. Thanks."

"What happened to sticking together?" Hiro asks.

"I thought that I had (him/her)." You frown. "I'm sorry. Maybe I'm not cut out for this job."

"None of us are," Hiro says. "Unless we stick together."

You smile. "Thanks, Hiro."

"Anytime. Alright, Baymax. Let's fly to where the others are."

"Flying makes me a better healthcare companion."

Hiro laughs. "Yeah. That's right."

It doesn't take long to find (Villain). Together, the seven of you defeat (Villain). Everyone cheers as Baymax sets an unconscious (villain) on the pavement. The cops immediately arrest (him/her). Families return to their homes. Vans from news channels park in the grass, on the sidewalks. The cops try to wave them off as your team walks out.


"What now?" Fred asks.

"Movies?" You suggest.

"Sounds good to me," Hiro says.

You walk away with your team, your best friends, your family, chatting cheerfully the whole time.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now