(372): Valentine's Day Dance (Fred) (Part Two)

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Hey, guys, I have yet another instagram that I'll use sometime in the future. You can follow me there, too, @riahtouille.

Here's part two! ♡

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Here's part two! ♡


Fred picks you up at eight and wears a red tie to match your dress like promised. It's unbelievable that you're sitting next to Fred in a limo. Of course you knew that he was insanely rich, but it was easy to forget since he never bragged or even spoke about it.

The dance is in the gymnasium on campus. As Heathecliffe pulls the limo up to the front, you smooth down your dress and take a quick peek in the mirror to make sure you look okay.

"___," Fred says. He's halfway out of the car, his hand held out to you. "You look perfect," he assures you.

You smile and place your hand in his. He helps you out of the vehicle, gives Heathecliffe a fist bump, and takes your arm. "Thanks for the ride, Heathecliffe." Heathecliffe smiles and nods politely.

"Ready?" Fred asks.

"Totally," you reply. He grins and leads you inside, where your eyes widen in surprise. The entire gym has been transformed into a bright room filled with tables coveted in red tablecloths, bright pink heart-shaped lights dancing around the room, a huge disco ball hanging from the ceiling, and groups of people, dancing and just hanging out, all around you. Fast paced music blares out of the speakers at the front of the gym.  "Whoa!" Fred taps your shoulder and nods towards one of the tables, where you spot your friends.

"Hey, Freddie, ___!" Honey Lemon shouts.  "We saved you seats!"

You make your way to the table. "Hi, guys-"

"Wait," Hiro interrupts. "Are you two here together?"

You nod. Wasabi raises his eyebrows. "Like, together, together?" Wasabi questions.

"Yeah," Fred says.

Hiro grins and stands up, raising his hand for a fist bump. "Dude!" he exclaims, hitting his fist against Fred's. Tadashi chuckles and shakes his head at the two of them.

You roll your eyes and step out of Fred's hold to take your seat. Before you can pull the chair out, Fred does. You blush and sit down.

"Aw, how sweet," Honey Lemon comments. She pulls out her phone and snaps a picture. "I'm so happy that you two are here together! And isn't this dance just gorgeous?"

Go Go shakes her head as she takes in her surroundings. "It's actually kind of disgusting."

"Oh, lighten up, Go Go," Honey Lemon says. A slow song starts to play on the stereo. "You know what you need? A dance!"

"Yeah, Go Go," Tadashi adds. "You need a dance!"

"You, too, Tadashi!" Honey exclaims excitedly. She grabs his hand and pulls him out of his seat. Tadashi laughs as he's tugged onto the dance floor.

Go Go rolls her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest. Wasabi fidgets nervously. "Look, uh - we don't - we don't have to dance if you don't want to -" Go Go wordlessly grabs Wasabi's hand and pulls him up. He gulps as she shoves him onto the floor, grabs his hands, and places them on her sides.

You laugh and glance at Hiro. "What, you're not going to dance?"

"Ha, ha. No." He leans back in his chair and stairs up at the ceiling. 

Fred clears his throat and stands up. You look up once he holds his hand out. "Really?"

"Really," he says.

You smile and take his hand. He pulls you up and walks you to the dance floor. Once there, he turns to you, takes your left hand in his, and place another hand on your waist. As you begin to sway to the music with him, your lips curl up into a smile. He smiles back, and the anxiety that you have been feeling melts away. "I'm really glad you asked me," you say.

"And I'm just really glad you said yes," he replies. "I thought for sure I was going to embarrass myself tonight. Things are working out pretty well right now, but hey, the night is young."

You giggle. Fred drops his hold on your waist and raises his arm. You blush as he spins you around in a quick circle and then pulls you back into his arms. "Even if you somehow embarrass yourself, it won't ruin my time. As long as I'm with you, everything will be okay." You laugh at yourself. "Gosh, that was cheesy."

"It was cute," he assures you. He's silent for a few seconds as the song ends. Once another fast one starts, he says, "It's true, ya know-"


He sighs and grabs your hand. "Let's talk outside?" he asks. You smile and nod. He leads you outside. Your ears are ringing from the loud music. "I said that it's true-"

"I know, I heard you," you say. "I just want to know what's true."

He swallows thickly and says, "You know... that I like you in a romantic type way? I do. I really do. I just... want you to know that."

"I do," you answer. "I've known that for a while. I like you, too, Fred."

"You do?" You nod. "Thank goodness." Your hand blindly finds his. As you slide your fingers in between his, he smiles. Your other hand reaches up and grips his shoulder tightly. He holds your waist in his hand and then the two of you begin to sway side-to-side. Without music it makes the dancing a bit awkward, but the laughter that erupts after your hip bumps into his or your foot trips both of you up only makes it all the more special. Fred dips his head down and kisses your forehead. You close your eyes and smile.

"I didn't tell you how gorgeous you are tonight," he says softly. "I mean, you're always pretty, but tonight... wow."

"You don't look too bad yourself, Freddie," you comment. He spins you out of his hold, then right back in. "You clean up nicely."

"I tried to make myself look as Valentine-y as possible," he replies.

"Is that even a word?" You laugh.

"You know what I mean."

You look up into his bright blue eyes and say, "Freddie, there is no one I would rather be dancing with than you. In fact, there's no one I'd rather be my Valentine." You reach up and give him a quick peck on the lips. You giggle as his eyes widen and his cheeks burn a bright red color. "Happy Valentine's Day, Freddie."

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