(198): Protective Sister

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Sibling Go Go x Reader x Hiro requested by Redfieryrose. This is pretty long. ^-^


You're laying in your bed, reading (favorite_book). Your bedroom door opens and your older sister, Go Go, steps in. She tosses you your jacket, "Hey, ___," She says, popping a pink bubble. "Get your jacket on. I'm heading to the school."

"And I have to go?" You ask, marking your place in the book.

"No. I just know you well enough to tell that you'd want to." She raises an eyebrow. "Coming?"

"Yeah," You say. You sit up and put your shoes on.

"That's what I thought," She says as she pops another bubble.


"Why are we going here so late?" You ask.

"I have an idea for my bike. I need to get started on it here, because Wasabi had the tools that I need."

"Oh. Okay. So what do I do?"

You follow Go Go into the building. "You're going to not touch anything."

You sigh. "Can I look around?"

She shrugs. "Go ahead. I have to stop by Wasabi's first, though."

You follow Go Go to Wasabi's lab. Go Go waves at him.

"Hey, Go Go," He greets. "Who's this?"

"My sister, ___," She says.

You wave shyly. "Hi."

"Hello," He says. "What are- hey, hey! What do you think you're doing?" Wasabi panics as Go Go takes tools off of his desk,

"Borrowing this. Need it." She walks off. Wasabi sighs. You laugh.

"I'm going to, uh, walk around," You say awkwardly.

Wasabi nods. "Honey Lemon's lab is just down there." He points in the direction and smiles kindly at you.

"Thank you," You tell him.

You walk towards Honey Lemon's lab, observing all of the labs on the way. You love inventing. Always have. Just as you step into Honey's lab, a boy runs into you. He carries a box of supplies, which he drops in surprise.

"Sorry!" You say. The boy grabs your arms to steady you. Your hands go to his chest.

His eyes widen when they meet yours. "No, no. It was my fault. I should've watched where I was going. I'm sorry." You bend down and grab the box. You hand it to him. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new?"

"Yeah, um, no. No. I'm not. I'm here with Go Go. She's my sister."

Hiro laughs. "Go Go is your sister?"

You nod.

"I didn't know Go Go had a sister," He says.

"Oh, is Go Go's sister here?" Honey Lemon asks. She skips over to you. "It's so good to see you again!" She kisses your cheeks lightly. "Want to see what I've been working on?"

You nod.

"Great! Let's go!" She takes your hand and leads you to the table.

"I'll see you around, um-"

"___," You say.

Hiro nods. "I'm Hiro. I'll see you."

You smile and turn your attention to Honey Lemon, who shows you her newest chemistry project.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now