(249): Changing Quickly

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Fred x Reader with feels~


"Fred. Seriously. You've been gone all day and you haven't answered any of my calls or texts. I need you to answer."

"Freddie, please- just answer."

"Freddie, you're scaring me. I need to tell you something. It's. . . important. I need you home."


You've sent your husband of six months countless voicemails. He's been gone all day and hasn't answered. You're pacing the floor. Is he okay? Where is he? What could possibly keep him out all day?

You sit down on the couch and hold your head in your hands, ordering yourself to be still. Chill out. Breathe. He's okay.

But what if. . .  he's not?

What if there was a car accident or a robbery in a store or he -

Suddenly, the front door opens. You jump up as Fred walks into the house.

"Hey, sweetie," He greets you.

"Where were you?" You ask him.

"I was hanging with Wasabi and Honey Lemon. Why?"

"I called you a million times. I sent you multiple texts. Why didn't you reply?" You ask.

"Hm. Guess my phone is off. Sorry, love." Fred kisses the top of your head.

You shake your head. "You worried me all day."

"How so?" Fred asks.

"I didn't know if you were okay or you were hurt or worse. . . "

Fred rolls his eyes. "Okay, sweetie. Don't you think that you're overreacting a little bit?"

"No," You whisper. "No, I don't. I was worried about you."

"Hey. There wasn't a reason to be." Fred touches your shoulder. "I'm right here."

"I needed you, Freddie," You say.

Fred laughs and takes a seat on the couch. "Apparently so. And apparently you can't go two hours without knowing my whereabouts. You just need me around all of the time, don't you?" Shaking his head, Fred opens up a comic. He leans back and starts reading.

"Fred. I'm being serious. I needed you."

Fred doesn't reply.

"Fred. I-I have something to tell you and- Fred. Are you even listening to me? I needed you." You stomp to his side and grab the comic. You rip it from his hands.

"Hey!" He complains.

"For crying out loud, Freddie. Listen to me!" You exclaim.

"I am!" He shouts back. Fred stands up and glares at you. "I've never done anything else! Haven't you realized that I have been here for you all of the time? And I never get time off for myself. You have to make it all about you all of the time."


"And what is so important that you have to bother me about it? Because I don't want to let you know like this, but you are not the center of the universe. I have better things to care about than your silly problems-"

You're crying by now. You take a step back. "I'm pregnant, Fred," You announce.

"And- wait." Fred shrinks back. "You're what?"

"I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant and I am scared because this is all so new to me and I didn't know what to do and I was worried that you wouldn't want to be a dad. I was worried that you weren't ready. But I found that answer on my own. There's no way that you're ready. You couldn't be. You're not even ready to be a husband." Your voice breaks.

Fred's expression softens. "___-"

You take off running. You're sobbing. Fred chases after you, but you slam the bedroom door in his face. You slide down the wood.

"___. ___, I'm sorry. I didn't- I- oh God, ___. . . I shouldn't of snapped at you like that. I didn't mean any of it, honest. I'm sorry."

You press your hands against your face. Fred's heart breaks at the sound of your cries.

You hear Fred's muffled voice drop to your level. "You're right. I am the worst husband ever."

You take a deep breath. "I never said that."

"You didn't have to," He says. "It's true."

"No." You pause. "I'm just scared, Freddie."

"Me too," He whispers.

"Everything's changing so quickly."

Fred sighs. "I know."

"I don't know what to do."

"Open the door," He suggests with a whisper.

"You're mad at me," You say. Your voice breaks.

"No, ___. No. Sweetie, I'm not mad at you. I'm not." Fred touches his forehead to the door. "I'm just scared," He whispers.

You're silent for a minute. You stand up and open the door. Fred is there, on is knees. "You're not mad?"

"No," He breathes. He takes your hands and presses them against his lips. "I'm sorry. You did nothing to make me angry. I couldn't possibly understand the feelings you're feeling right now."

You smile sadly. "I need you."

"I know. And I'm here. I'll be here forever and always." He kisses your hands again. "For you and for our little baby."

You pull Fred up. He touches your waist. "Freddie is so, so, sorry." He smiles sadly.

"I know," You whisper.

He touches his lips to yours. Then he pulls you into a hug. He buries his face in your neck. "And you don't know how much I need you. ___, I promise to be the best husband. You need it. You deserve it." He kisses you again and his eyes drop to your stomach. "Both of you do."

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