(212): Mochi

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Just a short Mochi x Reader because I'm watching Big Hero 6 for the hundredth time but I'm still heartbroken and crying so yes I need adorable Mochi hugs. I'll post another one shot later since this one is so short.


It's late at night, and you're home alone with your brother, Hiro. Aunt Cass has been out all day and doesn't plan on coming home until midnight. Because of this, her cat, Mochi, has been following you around all day.

Hiro falls asleep on the couch, a karate movie playing. You cover him up with a blanket and turn the movie off. You stop by the kitchen to grab a glass of water before going to bed.

Mochi follows you into the room that you share with your brother.

You sigh at the sight of Tadashi's room. Nothing has been moved since he passed away. You pull the sliding door closed and turn around. Mochi is scratching at the door. He gives out a sad meow, as if he knows what's really going on. Maybe he does, you're not exactly sure.

You give him a sad smile and scoop him up. "Come on, Mochi. Let's get some sleep."

He meows again as you lay on the bed. You turn the lamp off and cover you and Mochi up. Mochi curls up against your shoulder.

"Night, Mochi," You say with a yawn.

Mochi lets out a snore in response.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now