(338): Love (Older Hiro)

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Sorry that I haven't been updating! I've been pretty busy the last couple of days, but I promise lots of updates next week!


You're barely halfway before breakfast before your stomach twists once again. You can feel your face pale as you stare at the plate of eggs and bacon before you. Hiro, your husband of a year and a half, continues to tell you about his day at work the night before. He's completely oblivious to the pain that you're feeling right now.

"The computer crashed three times yesterday! I'm serious, Krei Tech isn't the same anymore." He shakes his head and chews for a moment. "Maybe I should start my own computer company. That sounds like a pretty good idea, right, honey?"

You don't respond. You swallow hard as you feel another wave of nausea rock through your body. The chills run down your shoulders and you shoot up. "Excuse me-" you gag, sprinting away from the kitchen table and running towards the bathroom. You finally allow yourself to get sick the moment you're bending over the toilet. Hands pull your hair out of your face and rub your back gently.

"Are you sick?" Hiro asks you, touching a hand to your forehead.

You shudder. "Maybe," you groan miserably.

"Didn't this happen last week, too?"

You decide that it's time to fess up. "It's happened every day since then, actually."


"You're always sleeping or at work every time!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks seriously.

"I didn't want you to worry," you reply, standing up to brush your teeth.

"Didn't want me to worry?" Hiro drops his face into his hand and sighs. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he grumbles, "Of course I'm going to worry."

You rinse your mouth and dry your hands on the towel before turning back to him. "This is why I didn't want you to know!"

Hiro shakes his head and gently pulls you into his arms. His hands run up and down your back lovingly as he presses his lips to your neck. "You're everything to me, ___," he says softly. "If you're hurting, don't hide it to spare me from being afraid."

You close your eyes and lean further into his embrace. "I love you."

"I love you," he responds. "Now get ready, because I'm taking you to the doctor."

Three hours later, you're sitting on the chair in the doctor's office. Hiro requested a check up after telling the doctor your symptoms. Right now, he's sitting next to you, holding your hand up to his lips.

The doctor enters the room and smiles. "Well, we've got your text results back."

Hiro drops your hand. "And?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Hamada," the doctor announces, "you're pregnant!"

The shock hits you but fades away closely. Pregnant. You've been wanting a baby for months! "Pregnant," you whisper, "why didn't we think of that?"

The joy on Hiro's face makes your heart skip a beat. "You're pregnant," he says, "I'm going to be a dad!" He pulls you into his arms and kisses you without caring about the doctor being there.


Four months later, you're five months pregnant. You're laying on the bed, curled up against your pain. "Hiro," you groan miserably. He sighs and takes a seat next to you.

"What is it?" he asks.

"I hurt all over," you answer with another groan, placing your hands on your swollen stomach. It's true. You're swollen almost everywhere, and you're suffering from painful cramps every few minutes. You can never get comfortable no matter how you lay.

"That's normal," he says, nodding towards the pregnancy book on the nightstand. "It means that everything is healthy." He places a hand on your stomach and pats it gently. You smile. He is so excited to be a dad. You place your hand over his and weave your fingers together. Hiro looks up at you and leans down to place a kiss on your cheek. "What do you need, my love?"

"Chocolate?" you request quietly. "And hot tea?"

He chuckles and kisses you once more. "Sure thing. When I come back, I'll give you a back rub, too."

"You're amazing, Hiro," you remind him. "And I love you more than anything."

"I love you, too," he assures you before leaving.


"What're you doing?" you ask your husband as you curl up on the couch next to him. You wrap your arms around his torso and snuggle in as close as your huge stomach will allow. You're nine months pregnant, due any day.

Hiro leans his head against yours. "I'm just finishing up the pregnancy book."

You smile, "You're going to be a great dad."

"Yeah?" he asks, wrapping an arm around you tightly. "I like to think that. I want to be the best I can be for the both of you."

"You're already more than either of us could've hoped for," you respond. Hiro leans down and kisses your lips sweetly. "I love you, Hiro Hamada."

"I love you, too, ___ Hamada." He steals another kiss and places his hand over your stomach, directly where your daughter is. "And you, baby Hamada."

You laugh at the nickname. "We need to think of her name."

"Maybe we should wait until we meet her," Hiro suggests, rubbing a hand around in circles. She kicks his hand lightly. He grins.

"Maybe," you agree.

"Are you excited?"

"A little nervous," you respond.

"Don't be nervous," he says, kissing your forehead. "I will be with your every step of the way."

You sigh in content and lay your head on your husband's chest. You shut your eyes, thinking about how content you are with your little family.

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