(376): Galentine's Day (Honey Lemon & Go Go)

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Since it is (or was) Galentine's Day, it seems only fitting to have a Honey Lemon x Reader x Go Go!

Since it is (or was) Galentine's Day, it seems only fitting to have a Honey Lemon x Reader x Go Go!

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You wake up with twenty text messages from one of your two best friends, Honey Lemon. You groggily turn your phone on. Each message is made up of paragraphs. Groaning, you quickly dial her number and hold the phone up to your ear.

"Hello?" her chirpy voice picks up instantly.

"Honey Lemon, why have you sent me over a dozen messages at six o' clock in the morning on Saturday?" you ask tiredly.

"Oh, were you sleeping?" she asks.

"Um, who wasn't? The sun is barely up, Honey!"

"Sorry," she says. "I mean, to be fair, Go Go was already up when I messaged her."

"You know that Go Go is a fan of early morning runs, so of course she was up." You sigh and yawn. "What is it that you needed anyways, Honey?"

"It's February thirteenth!"


"And," she continues, "That means that it's Galentine's Day!"

"Huh? What's Galentine's Day?"

She laughs lightly. "Galentine's Day is a day in which all friends celebrate being friends with the greatest single girl friends they have! And don't tell me that you can't celebrate just because you're dating Tadashi. You're still Go Go and I's best friend."

"Fine. What's the plan for Galentine's Day, then?"

"Meet us at the cafe at eight o'clock," she answers.

"Okay," you say.

"Great! See you then!" With that, she hangs up the phone.


At eight fifteen, you walk into the Lucky Cat Cafe. You pull the white beanie off of your head and take off your coat as you look around for them.

"Over here!" Honey Lemon calls out. You turn around and start towards the table in the middle of the restaurant. "Happy Galentine's Day, ___!"

You smile as you approach them. "Thanks. Did you guys already place your order?"

"Nope," Honey Lemon replies.

"We were waiting for you to show up," Go Go adds, snapping her gum with her teeth.

"Sorry," you apologize with a sigh as you shove your hat and gloves into your coat pocket. "The snow is kind of ruining my car. I have the hardest time driving through it." You take your seat. "So, what are you guys getting?"

"I think that I heard that Cass has Valentine's Day treats," Honey Lemon says cheerfully. "I hope she does. Don't heart-shaped cookies and cherry tarts sound perfect for our Galentine's Day?"

Go Go leans back in her chair. "Perfect," she says dryly. She looks up above your head and smirks. "Well, well, well. Look who got stuck playing waiter today."

You turn around as soon as he puts his hand on the back of your chair. "Hey."

"Hey, you," you say happily, looking up at your boyfriend.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here," Tadashi says happily. He shows your favorite crinkly-eyed smile and leans down to kiss you.

"No, no, no!" Honey Lemon interrupts, hitting your arm. You jump back and look at her in surprise. "You can't kiss your boyfriend; it's Galentine's Day! You have all of tomorrow to kiss him!"

Tadashi chuckles. "Galentine's Day, huh?"

"Honey Lemon's latest holiday obsession," you explain with a sigh.

He nods in understanding. "Well, then I won't ruin your time. What do you three want? I'll go ahead and place your order at the counter."

Honey Lemon smiles. "Do you guys have cherry tarts this year? And heart-shaped sugar cookies?" Tadashi nods. "Okay. Give us three tarts, a box of cookies, and I'll take a caramel espresso."

"Go Go?" Tadashi mumbles as he scribbles the order down.

"Blueberry herbal tea," she says, "and don't let your stupid brother sneak three cups of sugar in my cup this time, okay? I'm really not in the mood to beat him up today."

"Hey!" Hiro shouts from the kitchen. "Stop telling people that you beat me up, Go Go!"

Tadashi laughs and shakes his head. "Alright. Three cherry tarts, a box of heart-shaped sugar cookies, one caramel espresso, one Hiro-free blueberry herbal tea." He caps his pen and slides it into the pocket of his apron. Before he walks off, he places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes it gently. "I'll get you a sweet tea."

You smile. "Thank you for remembering," you say lovingly.

"Anytime." He leans down to kiss you out of habit.

"No!" Honey Lemon shouts, shoving Tadashi back. "It's Galentine's Day, not Valentine's Day!"

Tadashi rolls his eyes and laughs. "Right, right. My bad. Then I can't wait until I'm finally allowed to kiss you tomorrow. Dinner at six-thirty, don't forget." He flashes a flattering, bright smile before walking off.

"I love you," you call out to him.

"Love you, too!" he says back.

When you turn back to Honey Lemon, she glares at you. "You're just trying to ruin Galentine's Day, aren't you?"

"Not really," you say with a laugh. "I'm sorry. I'll behave for the rest of the day."

"Thank you," she says happily. "I accept your apology."

"You kind of asked for it," Go Go adds. "I mean, you did pick our Galentine's Day date to be in the cafe where her boyfriend works."

"Don't put this on me," Honey replies, crossing her arms. "They need to practice self-control! Anyways, this isn't about boyfriends. This is about us! I just wanted to thank you girls for being the best friends anyone could have."

Go Go simply salutes in response. You smile. "Thank you for being a friend that is so willing to celebrate literally every holiday that exists with us. I've gotta say, you don't disappoint with the parties and celebrations."

She smiles proudly. "Well, someone in this group has to provide the fun times."

Tadashi comes back with a tray of goodies. "Here you are." He gives everyone their drinks and food. "Anything else I can do-"

"You can go before you wreck our Galentine's Day!" Honey Lemon snaps. Her voice could never be cruel or menacing, but it still makes Tadashi blink in surprise and Go Go laugh. He nods and walks off. "Sorry, Tadashi. We love you!"

"I'm not so sure you do," Go Go says as she laughs.

"Oh, I do." Honey Lemon nods. "I just don't want anyone to ruin our holiday."

You laugh and pick up your cherry tart. "Honey Lemon, I'm pretty sure that could never happen. You take these holidays far too seriously, but that's why we love you."

"Aw," she replies. "Thank you. Happy Galentine's Day, girls."

"Happy Galentine's Day, Honey Lemon."

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