(299): For Better Or For Worse

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Sorry I haven't been posting. I'm trying to think of a good one shot for the 300th tomorrow. Any suggestions?? Send me a message or leave a comment!

Tadashi x Reader where Tadashi survived the fire~


It's been thirteen months since the fire. In those thirteen months, Tadashi Hamada has had a building on campus named after him, been to countless sessions of physical therapy, and has gotten married. Although the wedding was originally canceled do to his hospitalization, it was a nice surprise to have a small wedding just eleven months after the fire.

Tadashi remembers the day he woke up in his hospital bed as if it happened yesterday; he opened his eyes and turned his head, only to feel a stinging pain go down his neck. He winced and let out a cry of pain.

"T-Tadashi!" He heard your voice squeak in relief. He looked over and saw your (e/c) eyes that were wet with tears. "You're awake!"

Tadashi's eyebrows pulled together. Awake? How long had he been asleep? You then told him. Two months. It was a small coma that he was induced to in order to speed up the healing process. Tadashi was then aware of the burns that covered his body. There was hardly a part of him that hasn't been warped.

You didn't mind though. You kissed him and held his hand and ran your fingers gently through his hair as you did before. You still wanted to marry him, and you were okay with waiting until he was strong enough to move.

And now, you've been married to your husband for two months. Tadashi wakes up everyday to the feeling of you in his arms, your head laying on his chest, your arm wrapped around him, and finds himself wondering how he got so lucky to find you. You take care of him endlessly each day. You help him move, put sunscreen and lotion on his burnt back, do housework, cook, and so much more. He's aware of how exhausted it has made you and he can't help but feel bad.

This morning, you're sitting next to him on the sofa. You both are eating muffins and reading a book together. When you finish your muffin, you bookmark your place and set the book on the couch. "I'm going to go shower," you inform him. "If you need me, yell, okay?"

"Okay," Tadashi says, looking over at you and smiling. You return the smile and walk down the hallway and into the bathroom. Tadashi sits there for a few minutes before realizing how dry his throat is. He wants to get juice, but knows how ridiculous it would be to interrupt your shower and request it. When Tadashi hears the water running, he stands up and walks to the kitchen.

He moves slowly as to not inflame his burns. He opens the fridge door gently. When he spots the juice, he grabs it and lifts it. He winces as a sharp pain goes down his arm. He places the carton of apple juice on the countertop and goes to the cupboard for a glass.

The cupboard is high enough that Tadashi has to reach, and he can't help but be a little scared to. He stands there for a few minutes, gathering up the courage to get it over with. With a deep breath, he stretches his arm towards the handle of the small door. He winces and opens the door. Then, he reaches for the glass. An overwhelming pain ripples up his back, around his shoulders, and down his right arm. He cries out and falls against the counter. He bites down on his lip to keep from screaming. He's not even aware of your footsteps on the hall floor.

"Tadashi-" you hear the moans of pain from the kitchen and quickly turn to walk through the doorway. You see him leaning against the counter, doubled over in pain, and you run to his side. "Tadashi, what happened?"

"I t-tried to get a cup a-and-" He tries to lift himself up and falls back down. Your arms gently encircle him and you slowly lift him.

"I told you to get me if you needed anything!"


You silence him by ordering him into the bathroom. He slowly walks to the sink and braces himself against it. You lift up the back of his t shirt and observe the wounds. The burns are red and swollen. His back gives off a feverish heat. You reach around him for his prescription lotion and squeeze some onto the palm of your hand. You gently lather it on the center of his back. Tadashi lets out a sigh of relief.

"Tadashi Hamada, I need you to listen to me when I say to yell if you need help."

"I know," he says quietly. "I just wanted to do something to help myself for once. You're always there to bring me a pillow or to get the mail or something, and I know how tired you are."

"You did this because I'm tired?" you question. You gently slide his t shirt back into place.

"Yeah," he replies, his eyes looking at yours through the reflection.

You stand in front of him and gently cup his cheeks. "You are the most selfless yet irresponsible person I have ever met." You reach up and kiss him gently. When you pull back, you finish with, "Don't ever think that I won't be here to help you. Do you remember what I promised you at the alter?"

"To marry me?" He asks, a sly smile on his face.

You roll your eyes. "I promised to have and to hold you in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, as long as we both shall live. And I intend on fulfilling that promise because I am so hopelessly in love with you that there is literally nothing else I'd rather be doing."

Tadashi leans down and touches his forehead to yours. He whispers, "Words cannot describe how grateful and in love with you I really am." He kisses you again and again, breaking away when he's out of breath and the pain in his back returns. He winces in pain.

You take his hands. "Come on. We can go watch a dumb nerd movie while I put some of this on your shoulders." You snatch the bottle and walk out of the bathroom with him.

"You're too good to me, ___," Tadashi says. "I love you."

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