(205): Easter Dress Shopping

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Sibling Honey Lemon x Reader that I thought of while I was Easter dress shopping/birthday dress shopping earlier this week. ^-^


"Oh, ___!" Honey Lemon skips into the bedroom that you share with her.

"What?" You ask.

"Easter is tomorrow and we still need Easter dresses!"


"And it's super important that we get to a store now and get one!"

"Calm down, Honey Lemon. You're acting like it's the end of the world of something. We can go. It's okay."

Honey Lemon smiles. "You're right." She grabs your hand. "Let's go!" She runs out of the room, dragging you behind.


Honey Lemon stops at (favorite_store) and runs straight to the dresses. She picks up a light pink dress. "Ooh, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful, Honey Lemon," You say.

"I think that I'll try it on. And this," She pauses to grab a similar dress in a bright yellow color. "And maybe I should grab a pair of high heels. Hm. What are you going to get?"

"Um." You walk around the aisle, looking for something. Your eyes land on a knee length (favorite_color) dress. "This?"

"You'd look gorgeous in that!" Honey Lemon gasps. She takes your arm. "And look! I found the perfect heels for my dress! And here. I found you these (color) (heels/flats)! Let's go try these on!"

You follow your sister into the dressing rooms to change. Honey Lemon talks to you as she changes. "I'm not too sure about this yellow dress. It's pretty, but it's not Easter-y enough. I think that the pink is just right. Are you ready?"

"Just a second," You say, observing the dress in the mirror. "Okay. Are you ready?"

"Yup!" Honey opens the door and steps out. You step out of your own dressing room. "___, that's perfect! You look great!"

"So do you," You say.

"Thank you," She says. She holds up the yellow dress in front of her. "This just doesn't look right to me."

"They're both beautiful dresses," You say. "But I would get the pink."

"Okay," Honey Lemon says.

"I'm going to change back." You spin around and head back into your dressing room.

"Oh! Wait a minute!" She grabs your arm and spins you around and stands beside you. "Easter selfie!" She exclaims, grinning excitedly as she snaps the picture.

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