(226): Keeping Warm

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Just a short little one shot of Tadashi fluff. ^-^


It's just the beginning of spring, and the trees are finally starting to grow their leaves again. It was a long winter that kept you inside all of the time. You and your boyfriend, Tadashi, decide to go out for a walk, since the weather is nice.

He holds your hand. The two of you hardly talk, which is fine with you. It feels comfortable to be with Tadashi, even if you don't speak.

As the sun sets, you and Tadashi stop at a wooden bench. He wraps an arm around you and you lean into him, your cheek against his chest. His hand slides up and down your arm. As the rays of orange fade into red, and then purple, and then blue, the wind picks up. You shiver. It doesn't take long for your fingers to freeze. Your t shirt doesn't do much for you.

"I probably should've worn a jacket," You say. You hold your hands up to your lips and breathe on them. You rub them together.

Tadashi laughs quietly. "Probably. And I think that I told you to wear one." He takes both of your hands in his free one and shelters them from the wind. You're still shivering as another gust of wind hits your back. He frowns at the sight of your trembling lips. He leans forward and slides his jacket off. "Here."

"But you'll be cold," You object. Tadashi helps you put the jacket on.

"I'll be okay," He says. He takes off his hat and puts it on your head. You laugh. The hat falls almost over your eyes and your fingertips don't reach the sleeve.

"I look silly," You complain.

"No," Tadashi says. He lifts the top of the hat up and leans down to your eye level. "You look adorable." He kisses the tip of your nose. You laugh again.

Tadashi attempts to hold each of his own shivers, but fails. "You're cold," You note.

"I'm okay," He assures you. His lip quivers.

You smile and reach up. Your arms wrap around Tadashi's neck. His hands press against your back. You hold him tighter against you, blocking him from the wind. Your faces are inches apart.

"There," You whisper. "Warm?"

Tadashi smiles. He replies by giving you a soft kiss on your lips. He touches your forehead to yours. "Yeah." He kisses you again, hoping that the night stays like this, where it's warm enough to stay out late together, but cold enough to force the two of you against each other for warmth.

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