(233): Relaxing

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Just a short little Sibling Reader x Hiro (and Cass) that I thought of. Sorry I haven't been writing-- I've been outside all day for the last few days trying to tan for the first time in forever. I'm just sunburnt. Oh well!


It's a warm Sunday morning. You wake up to the sound of your brother, Hiro, working on his bot. You sit up, glaring at him.

"Morning," He says over the sound of the drill.

"Shouldn't you be in the garage?" You ask.

"No. Why?"

"Um, because that's where Aunt Cass wants you to work on your stuff?"

"Oh. I'm sure she doesn't mind."

"She probably does."

"What?" Hiro asks loudly. You wave him off and leave the room.

Aunt Cass is in the cafe. Her hair is messy and covered in flour and her clothes are covered in frosting. She's sweeping up the mess of flour and pastries that's on the floor. She's angrily mumbling to herself.

"Aunt Cass?" You ask.

She looks up at you. "Oh, you're up. Morning, sweetie."

"Is everything okay?" You ask.

"Uh.  .  . yeah. I just. . . I've been clumsy this morning. And I'm tired."

You take the broom from her. "Maybe you should relax today. We don't have to open the cafe. You haven't had a day off in forever."

"But . . ." Aunt Cass trails off.

"Nope," You say. "Your last day off was Christmas. Let's just hang around here. In the backyard."

Aunt Cass smiles. "You're right. That's a good idea."

"I'll make lemonade," You offer. You push Aunt Cass forward. "You go get the lawn chairs and wait for me out there."

Aunt Cass follows your orders. You make the lemonade and carry it out back. You fill Aunt Cass's glass and then yours. The chairs are sitting in the sun, just a few feet away from the back door. The two of you settle in. The sun is warm against your face. The breeze is light and the air smells like cherry blossoms. Aunt Cass leaves the back door open a little in case Hiro needs her for "emergencies". You smile at your overly concerned aunt.

She sighs and smiles at the sun. "This is nice."

"Mmhm," You hum in response.

"It's been so long since I've relaxed. I forgot just how good it really feels." She's silent for a moment. Then she asks, "Do you think that Hiro would notice if I don't make dinner?"

You giggle. "Probably not. He's not paying much attention to anything other than-"

Suddenly, the back door bursts open. You and Cass jump out of your chairs as Hiro runs out, chasing something. "Look out!" He screams. You duck in your chair as Mochi - with rocket boots - flies over your head.

"Mochi!" Aunt Cass screams in fear. She turns to Hiro. "Hiro Hamada you get that cat and get back here!"

Hiro nods and runs off. Aunt Cass falls back in her chair.

"What was I thinking? I can't have a day off!"

"Here, Aunt Cass," Hiro says softly. She takes Mochi from him. "I'm sorry."

"What were you thinking? I gave you and your brother a garage for this kind of stuff! And I gave you rules! Don't use the car for experiments!" She shouts.

"I know. I'm sorry, Aunt Cass."

"I try to take one day off! One! And this happens!" She checks Mochi for injuries. He meows in annoyance.

"We love you, Aunt Cass," Hiro says. You give him a small smile.

Aunt Cass glares up at him. Then her expression softens. She sighs. "I love you, too." She hugs the two of you closely. "I love you both more than anything. I'm sorry I overreacted." She pulls away.

"You didn't overreact," You assure her.

"Eh.  .  . she kind of did," Hiro whispers to you. You elbow him in the side. "Ow!"

Aunt Cass smiles. "Well, either way. . . what do the two of you want to do? Today is officially family day. Want to go shopping? Out to eat? To a movie. . . bowling? What?"

Hiro shrugs. "How about we just. . . relax?"

Aunt Cass smiles. "Sounds good to me."

It's a quiet afternoon. The three of you spend the rest of the day outside, enjoying the sun and cherry blossoms and the company.

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