(321): I Love You (Tadashi/Older Hiro)

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Tadashi x Reader x Older Hiro requested by _CrystalRaineForeva_.


You're walking to the hospital doors that you've become all too familiar with. You spend every day here. When you step through the sliding glass doors, the nurses smile at you.

"Good afternoon, ___," the one at the front desk greets you.

"Hello." You turn to the hallway and walk down to the room where your boyfriend is. Where he has been for a while now. Hiro steps out of the room and smiles at you. "Hi, Hiro."

"Hi," he says, flashing a gap toothed smile. He towers over you now. The eighteen year old looks more like his brother now than ever before.

"Any change?"

Hiro shakes his head. "But I do need to talk to you."

You gulp. "O-Okay." Hiro nods his head towards the window a few feet away. You both lean against the window sill. "Did something happen?"

"No," he replies. You let out a sigh of relief. "But the hospital doesn't want Tadashi here anymore."

"What?" you ask in disbelief.

"He's got to be out of here by Friday," he continues.

"Friday? Do they think he'll be up soon?"

"___, he's been in a coma for four years," Hiro says gently. "I don't think we know when he'll wake up."

You nod and look away as the tears spill over. You met Tadashi when he was your tutor back in high school. He was a senior and you were a sophomore. The two of you started dating just after his graduation and had been inseparable. Until the fire.

Tadashi Hamada barely made it out. When he did, he was injured badly. He has been in a coma. You still loved him, of course, but you're unsure of how this relationship will work. He's missed four years of your life. You're now twenty years old.

You quickly wipe your eye. Hiro wraps his arm around you and pulls you close. "Hey, it's okay. We all wish that things were different. But the hospital is supplying us with hospital equipment to care for him until he wakes up."

"I'll visit you guys over there every day," you promise.

"I know," He says. "That means that I'll have to hide my gummy bears or you'll find them." He laughs.

You lean your head against his shoulder and close your eyes. "You're my best friend. You know that, right?"

Hiro sighs. "Yeah, I know."

You look up at him. "Is something wrong?" you ask. Hiro shakes his head. "I know that something is. I can see it in your eyes. You have to tell me."

"You won't like me if I do," he says gently.

You laugh. "Of course I'll like you."

Hiro smiles at you. He nods and takes your hands. "Okay. Just please, please, don't be upset with me." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "___, I love you. And I know that you're with my brother, and I know that you don't want to be with me because he was torn from you so soon, and I know that I'm not him. But I love you. I have for a while now. You've been there for me since the beginning of all of this, and I just. . . I really love you."

You look down. The shock fills you. You do love Hiro. You have for months now. Hiro has matured so much lately; especially since he has watched his brother go through all of this. But your relationship with Tadashi wasn't something you planned on ending. "Hiro, I-I need time to think about this."

"Of course, yeah. Take all the time you need." Hiro forces a smile. "I'm just going to go get a bottle of water and then head down to big lunch."

"I'm going to go for a walk," you tell him. "I'll see you." You pull your hands from his and walk away. You try to ignore the feeling of emptiness as your hands adjust to the cold. Tadashi's hands never felt like that anymore.

What are you thinking? It's not his fault that he's in a coma! It's not anyone's. The fire was an accident. It isn't right to just leave him because he's in that position. He loved you when he was awake. Why wouldn't he love you now?

But he also wouldn't want you to put your life on hold just because he's not here. He would want you to be happy. To be loved. And Hiro makes you happy. He's comforted you and made you laugh on your saddest of days. He's always been with you. If he can tell that you're upset, he pushes his own feelings and needs aside to care for you.

You stop and turn down the hallway. You step to the doorway of Tadashi's room, but five words stop you.

"I really love her, Tadashi." You step back and press yourself against the wall as you continue to listen. "I love her, but I don't think she loves me. And I don't want to force her to, you know? She's so hurt because of what's happened. I think she blames herself because she knows that she'll hurt one of us. But if I know you, which I do, I know that you just want her to be happy. So do I." Hiro stands. "Wake up soon, big bro. Okay?" He steps out of the room. You press yourself against the wall and pray that he doesn't turn left. Luckily for you, he turns right and heads towards the cafeteria.

When he's gone, you let out a gasping breath. Your heart is thudding against your ribcage. You bite your lip and go into Tadashi's room.

"Hey, Tadashi," you whisper. You sit down on the bed beside him and take his cold hand in yours. "I miss you. I miss you so much. I miss seeing your eyes. I never looked at them enough." You wipe your eye. "I didn't come here to cry to you. I wanted to tell you that I-I love Hiro. I am in love with him. But we were together and. . . I-I know that we never broke up, but I also know that you would never want me to put my life on hold for you. I love you, Tadashi, but Hiro has done so much. I've fallen in love with him." You lean forward and kiss his forehead. "Wake up soon."

You turn back to the doors and quickly walk down the hall. "Hiro?" you call out in the room. You spot him by a vending machine. "Hiro!"

"___?" He turns around and takes four bounding steps to get to you. "Are you okay? You're crying. Are you hurt?" He grabs your shoulders.

"No," you say. "I love you, Hiro."


You hug him tightly. "I love you," you insist. "I'm in love with you."

Hiro lets out a sigh of relief and hugs you back. "I love you so much."

You lean your head against his chest. Your ear is above his heart. You smile just at the sound of it. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you can hear Tadashi say, "Be happy."

And you are.

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