(211): Little Tadashi

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Here's an Older Hiro x Pregnant Reader because even though a lot of you don't like these, I do. Haha. I'm also completely out of ideas and I haven't slept in a full day so might as well write this.
& I can't believe that I hit 1 million reads on the first book. I'm seriously freaking out. Thank you sooo much, guys. <3


You're six months pregnant as of today. You're up super early, so you decide to make breakfast. You've seriously been craving (favorite_meal), so that's what you decide to make. You hum songs to your baby as you cook.

Suddenly, two arms wrap around you from behind. You look up and see your husband, Hiro.

"You're up early," He says.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why not?" He asks, kissing your cheek.

"Because today we get to find out what gender our baby is and I'm so excited."

"Oh, yeah. That's right. I forgot that was today." He pats your stomach. "She's definitely a girl."

"He is definitely a boy," You argue.

Hiro rolls his eyes. "Okay, whatever. I'm going to be right."

"You wish, Hamada," You say with a smirk. Hiro kisses your cheek again.

Laughing, he says, "(Favorite_Meal) for breakfast, huh?"

"Uh-huh. There's nothing wrong with that."

"I guess not," He says. "But your cravings are getting out of hand."

You laugh and turn to face Hiro. You wrap your arms around his neck and reach up to kiss him. "Sorry, it's not me. It's your son."

"Daughter," He corrects.

You pull away. "We'll see."


Later that day, you're laying on the table. Hiro sits in a chair beside you, both of his hands holding your hand tightly. The nurse smears the blue green gel on your stomach and sets the camera up. Hiro taps his foot nervously.

"There's the baby," The nurse says.

You grin as you see your little baby, curled up. "Oh my gosh, Hiro," You whisper.

Hiro presses his lips against your hand. "Can you tell what the gender is?"

"Hmmm. . . yes. Would you like to know right now?" The nurse asks.

"Yes," You eagerly say.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hamada," The nurse announces. "You're having a boy!"

You gasp. Tears of joy fall down your cheeks as you stare up at the monitor that displays the pictures of your perfect little boy. You look at Hiro, who kisses you. "Looks like I was right, huh?" You smirk.

"Looks like it," Hiro says.

"Do you guys have any ideas on names, yet?" The nurse asks as she prints the pictures of the baby.

You look at Hiro again. You smile and squeeze his hand. "Tadashi."

"That's a beautiful name," The nurse compliments.

Hiro's eyes fill with tears and he smiles. "He'll be just as perfect as you are," He whispers. He wipes a tear off of your cheek.

The nurse wipes the gel off and Hiro helps you sit up. He holds your hand as you walk to the car.

You examine the pictures while Hiro drives to Cass's house. You can't look away from the pictures. "Tadashi Hiro Hamada. That's what his full name is."

As Hiro parks in front of the cafe, he looks over at you. He places one hand on your stomach and leans over to kiss it. "He's going to help a lot of people. Just like his uncle."

You caress your stomach. "Just like his dad, too," You add.

Hiro smiles and blushes. "Hopefully he doesn't get into as much trouble as I did."

You roll your eyes. "He's your son. He'll get into even more trouble."

Hiro laughs. "Probably. Ready to go tell Aunt Cass?"

You grin. "Ready."

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