(305): New Hero (Part Two)

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Part two~


"Fred, you haven't spoken a word since we got out of the bay," Honey Lemon says, hugging her arms close to her body.

"We'll find her," Hiro tells him.

"Hiro, I don't-" She realizes where Fred is going and stops. When he steps up on the porch of the mansion, she says, "Where are we? Fred!"

"Listen, nitwit," Go Go says harshly, "I know that you just lost your girlfriend and you're probably freaking out, but I'm not in the mood for this."

Fred doesn't respond. He waits until the front door opens. When it does, he nods at Heathecliffe and steps inside. When he arrives in his bedroom, he begins pacing. His friends comment on his fanboy room while his thoughts are filled with anxiety and terror.

"Freddie, please try to calm down," Honey Lemon orders softly.

"Pacing isn't going to help," Wasabi adds. "What do you need? A cup of hot tea? Espresso? I know that's your favorite."

"Guys!" Hiro interrupts. "Lay off. Fred, we're going to find her. I can give Baymax some upgrades and- and even us. We can get some upgrades."

"Hiro, I don't know about that. We should just call the police. You know that we want to find ___ just as much as you do, but we're just. . . us."

"No, we can be way more," Hiro replies, a smile growing on his face.

Go Go nods and stands up. "___ is our best friend."

"So what are you saying?" Fred asks quietly.

Hiro smiles. "We're going to save ___."


Five days later, Fred stands in his new suit. No longer Fred and now Fredzilla, he climbs off of Baymax and runs across the pavement. It had been five days since he had last talked to you, but he didn't want to think that you might not be alive.

"Fred! Wait! Hold up!" Hiro sprints to catch up with his friend.

Fred is already in front of a metal wall. "Wasabi," he says. "Melt it!"

"Uh. . . sure. Okay," Wasabi says nervously. He messily makes a door using his plasma blades.

Fred leaps inside and leads his team through the hall. He passes doors and windows, looking into each for a sign of you. Finally, he just gets impatient. "___!" he shouts.

"Fred, be quiet!" Hiro says.

"You nitwit, he'll catch us!"

He turns to his friends. "If he hears us, we can just end it now. You saw how big this building is. She could be anywhere and I need to find her." The team doesn't respond. "___, if you're here, please answer me! Please!" He waits a few seconds and starts again, "___-"

"Freddie!" your voice slices through the air. Fred runs in the direction of it. "Freddie, I'm here!"

"___!" He charges through the halfway broken metal door and his eyes immediately fall on you. You're tied to a metal chair. You look confused. Realizing what he's wearing, he removes the top part of his suit. Your bruised and tear stained face reflects his relief.

"Freddie," you breathe as he crosses the room, "I didn't think that you were ever coming."

"You really think I would leave you here with a mad man in a kabuki mask?" Fred asks, shakily taking the ropes off of your wrists.

"I was afraid you guys never got out of the bay. I thought that I would keep waiting, a-and when you didn't come the next day or the day after, I just assumed that you were gone."

Fred frowns. "I am so sorry, ___," he whispers, "I wanted to find you immediately but we needed to become heroes if we wanted to even stand a chance against him."

"I see that. What do they call you now?"

"Fredzilla," he replies.

"Fredzilla. The greatest hero San Fransokyo has ever seen."

"I'm not going to argue with that even though I haven't taken down any villains at all yet." Fred smiles.

"Callaghan!" you exclaim, "It's Callaghan behind the mask. I saw him. Trust me. He wants his daughter back or something. He's going to destroy Krei Tech!"

Hiro looks completely broken. "I-I- he died."

You shake your head. "No. He's alive and he is after Alistair Krei. You have to do something."

"Okay, we'll deal with it later," Fred says, "but we need to get you home."

"No, you have to go now. He's already halfway there. He could hurt people, Fred. I'm okay. I'm not hurt." Your eyes are wide with concern.

"You've got to stop being the hero," Fred says.

"I'm no hero," you say, "I was the one that needed saving. And you saved me. You're the hero." You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. When you pull away, you say, "Now you have to save them. And then we can go get espresso afterwards."

Fred laughs. "Already planned this whole thing out, huh?"

"You know how I look on the bright side of things," you joke. "Now go save the city, Fredzilla."

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