(302): Cinderella (Part One)

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Sorry I didn't update at all this weekend! It was my sister's birthday on Sunday and we celebrated all weekend.

& I watched the 2015 version of Disney's Cinderella for the first time. I'm a huge Disney fan (as you can probably tell) and every Disney movie has spoken to me in some way. But this movie spoke to me in so many ways. I can't begin to explain the connection I felt with Cinderella. The movie is beautiful, magical, and inspiring, and I'll probably watch it every day for the rest of my life.

And because I'm so in love with it, I'm bringing a Cinderella themed Tadashi x Reader~


You wanted to go to the dance. You went to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. The upcoming dance is fairytale theme. You love fairytales. The magic, beauty, romance, humor- it was all amazing to you. The whole idea was a boys-ask-girls kind of thing, and that made you nervous. You were one of the most unpopular people at the school. Your only friend, (f/n), went to Krei Tech. You had no one to go with and no one who would ask you.

With an aching headache and a sad heart, you walk into your first class, Honors Chemistry. You take a seat at your lab table and pull the notebook out of your backpack. You scribble on the paper as you zone out. You dream of sparkling gowns twirling on the floor and soft music twinkling in the air.

"Hi, ___!" A cheery voice makes you jump out of your thoughts and back into the boring reality. You glance up and see your lab partner, Honey Lemon.

"Hello," you say, rubbing your temple.

"Oh, do you have a headache?" You nod. "I'm sorry. I'll be quiet for the rest of class. I promise."

"It's fine," you assure her.

"I am just so excited!" she exclaims, taking a seat on the stool next to you. She pushes her glasses up with her finger and says, "The dance is this weekend!"

"It is?" you ask in a horrified voice. "I thought that it was the next."

"Nope. This. Weekend."

"Oh. Did someone ask you already?"

"No," she states, her cheerful voice never wavering, "but that's never stopped anyone, has it? Actually, it probably has. Anyways! But I'll be with Go Go, Wasabi, and Freddie. So it's not like I'll be totally alone."

"True," you say, picking your pen up and resuming your scribbling.

"I'm going dress shopping tonight. Have you picked your dress out yet?"

"Um. . . well, I'm not going," you admit.

"Not going?" Honey gasps, "___! Why not?"

"I'm not going to be asked, and it's probably better to just get ahead on my school work, you know?"

Honey Lemon shakes her head. "That's what Tadashi said."

You blush at the sound of your crush's name. "Really? Is he going?"

"Yeah, I finally talked him into it."

"Has he- he asked anyone?"

"No," she says. You're shocked. Tadashi Hamada is one of the only guys that the girls go nuts over. Even if he was covered in scarred burns from the fire that happened last year, he was still beautiful. "Wait a second! You like him, don't you?"

"No!" You say too quickly. "Why would you even think that?"

"Well, you're kind of red, and you didn't ask if Wasabi or Fred had dates when I mentioned them earlier, so." She shrugs. "I know things, ___. You can't hide everything."

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