(326): Confessions (Tadashi)

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I'm hoping to get a few one shots in this week, but I'm starting to get sick. This is really short, sorry. Here's a Tadashi x Reader that a few people have been requesting for a while~

I've got to say that the gif that I added of Tadashi to this one shot is too adorable and attractive for me to handle wow I love him so much


Tadashi is walking quickly down the hallway. He swings by Honey Lemon's lab. "Hey, Honey. Have you seen ___ around here?"

She pulls her glasses off and shakes her head. "I haven't," she says as she wipes the lenses off on the bottom of her lab coat. She gasps. "Are you going to tell her that you like her?"

Tadashi's eyes widen. Only Honey Lemon knew that he has a huge crush on you. "Honey! No. I'm not. And can't you be quiet about it?"

She laughs. "She isn't in her lab?"

"No. I can't find her anywhere," Tadashi says. He tries to massage the stress out of his head as he rubs his temples.

"Can't find who anywhere?"

Tadashi turns when he hears your voice. Letting out a sigh of relief, he says, "___! Thank goodness. I need you to help me with something."

Your eyes widen. "Is he finished?"

"I don't know, but I have a good feeling about this." He takes your hand and, despite his lack of sleep, runs to his lab. "I'm thinking that replacing the wires will help him activate." He waits until the door slides closed to go over to the robot. He picks up the chalkboard and says, "I'm Tadashi Hamada and this is the twenty-first test." He takes a deep breath and pushes the healthcare chip in. "Ow." Baymax activates.

"Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to assist when you said, 'ow'. I will scan you now." Tadashi almost leaps into the air when Baymax scans him. "Scan complete. Your heartbeat is accelerated and your neurotransmitter levels are high. This indicates that you are happy or in love."

Tadashi's smile fades. "Wait, what?" you ask, stepping closer to Tadashi. Tadashi panics as his skin heats up because of your closeness. Of course Tadashi likes you. You're smart, pretty, nice, funny, and you've been with Tadashi since his first day here. He's kept it a secret from everyone.

"Your heartbeat has accelerated due to her closeness," Baymax continues. His voice starts to shake as he says, "Y-You can h-hel-"

"Okay, okay!" Tadashi jumps forward and removes the chip. He rubs the back of his neck. Unaware of what to say, Tadashi pretends to examine the bot.

"Was Baymax just malfunctioning or are you seriously in love?" you ask.

Tadashi turns to you. He squeezes the back of his neck and bites his lip nervously. Letting out a defeated breath, he confesses. "Well. . . I-I- I really like you, okay? I just don't want to ruin our friendship. Of course, now that I've said something, that's kind of pointless-"

You silence him by reaching up and kissing him quickly. Tadashi freezes in shock before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. You feel a sudden spark as he kisses you back. The jolt of it makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter nervously. You're a little panicked at what you're doing; just kissing him suddenly. He closes his eyes and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Your anxieties fly away from you. You pull away with a smile. "I really like you, too," you answer. "I'm glad that you finally told me. Well, glad that Baymax told us, anyways."

Tadashi's face blushes a deeper red. "I'm really sorry," Tadashi says. "This is not how I wanted to tell you. If I was ever going to tell you, I was going to make it much more romantic. Not let my broken robot do all of the talking."

"Of course you feel sorry," you say, rolling your eyes.

"You know that I can't help it," Tadashi replies.

"Well," you say. "You could ask me out properly."

Tadashi looks down and smiles. "___, I have liked you for a while now. You've always been there for me to make me laugh or just help me when I feel stuck. You're so amazing. So I was wondering. . . would you like to go out with me?"

You take his hands in yours and reach up. Before your lips touch his, you whisper, "I'd love to."

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