(247): I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You (Part One)

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Bullied Reader x Tadashi~

This part is short & divided because I don't have time to write a long one shot right now.


It was your dream to get into SFIT. Getting into that college meant a guaranteed lifetime of success. You were going to be at the top of your class, have tons of friends, and he happy.

That's not how it worked.

You got in. The professors loved your invention. That was good. You arrived to school on your first day and you were so positive that everything would go great. Instead of those friends you'd been looking for, you found bullies. More than just a couple, too. Basically the whole school. You were either ignored or hated and there was no in between.

Except for Tadashi.

Tadashi Hamada took you in day one. He found you in the hallway, lost on your way to the labs. Your eye was swollen after a girl punched you after you stepped out of the bathroom stall. You never knew why she attacked you. He showed you around campus. He sat with you at lunch. He studied with you on weekends. He became your best friend when no one else would.

Now, it's your third year at SFIT. Tadashi has never left your side. As long as he's around, no one bothers you.

"I won't let anyone hurt you," He always promised.

Tadashi Hamada is everything you need to survive here.

"How's your day been so far?" He asks on the way to lunch.

"Okay," You say. "Chemistry was a little rough." Chemistry is one of the classes you don't have with Tadashi.

"What happened?" Tadashi's eyes fill with concern.

"I walked in and my work was spilled out on the counter. I had to clean it up and start all over." You shrug, as if it didn't matter.

"___. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because it wasn't that big of a deal," You say.

"___.  .  ."

"Just drop it, Tadashi. Let's just get food."

Tadashi sighs but nods. He touches your arm. "I'm going to get a bottle of water from the vending machine. Want anything?"

"Sure. Get me a (drink). I'll save us a place in line." You smile.

Tadashi nods and walks off.

You get in line for the sandwiches and wait patiently. You're last in line until two guys step up. They tower over you.

"Look who it is," One of them say. You swallow.

Ignore them. Ignore them.

"Hey, ___. Where's you boyfriend at?"

Just go away.

"Did he dump you? I don't blame him."

Go. Away.

"He must've. Hey, you must be pretty lonely then, huh?" You clench your hands into fists. You feel a hand brush your hair away and you flinch.

Then a hand finds yours. You jump. It's Tadashi, pulling you away from the guys. Tadashi glares at them. "Come on, ___. We'll just go eat somewhere else."

As soon as you're outside, Tadashi asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," You say. Your voice is shaking.

"Did they touch you?" He asks through clenched teeth.

"My hair," You whisper.

Tadashi nods.

"It's okay," You say.

"No. No it's not."

"Tadashi," You say. "Look at me." You stop walking. Tadashi looks down at you. "It's. Okay."

Tadashi nods. He wraps an arm around you and takes a deep breath. "I won't let anyone hurt you, ___."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now