(192): Say You Like Me (Part Two)

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Part two! ^-^


It's just two weeks before the dance. Fred sits at Lucky Cat Cafe. Honey Lemon walks in and sits at the table Fred's at. She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hi, Freddie. What's this about?" She asks sweetly.

Fred leans foward and rests his arms on the tabletop. "It's about the dance. I want to ask ___. The thing is, I don't know how to ask her. I figured you'd be the girl to help."

"Aw, Freddie! I knew you liked her! Okay, okay! I'm thinking flowers, music, a poem! Oh, this will be so romantic!" Honey Lemon gushes.

"Uh. . ."

Aunt Cass walks up to the table. "Hey, you two. What would you like?"

"Cappuccino," Fred says.

Honey Lemon smiles. "Same for me."

Aunt Cass smiles back. "Coming right up."

"So?" Honey Lemon raises her eyebrows.

"I don't think that's exactly what ___ would want," Fred says.

"Hm. Maybe you're right. That is a little too much. We'll narrow it down a bit."

"You're sure you know what you're doing?"

"Of course, Freddie! It'll be perfect!"


It's Friday night, just a little over a week before the dance. You're laying on your bed, reading your favorite book. The basketball game is supposed to end anytime soon and Fred will be calling you. You look forward to every time you talk to him. You've been getting closer and closer to Fred with each day. Along with getting closer, you've managed to discover strong feelings for him.

You hear a small noise coming from your window. You ignore it. It happens again. And again. You climb out of bed and walk to the window. You pull it open and lean out.

Fred stands on the grass, dressed up in his mascot uniform. He gives a small wave. You giggle. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to ask you something. I was running a little late so I couldn't change."

You laugh again. "What is it?"

Fred picks up the sign that's on the grass. He lifts it in the air. It's upside down, so he gives it a quick spin. On the back of the SFIT cut out, the black marker and glitter reads:


Your eyes widen. Is this real? Then, as if the moment has to be ruined, the sprinklers come on. Fred yelps as he is soaked with the cold water.

"Seriously?" He watches as the marker runs down in streaks of black.

You run down the stairs and across the yard. The water is cold but you don't stop. You run right into Fred's arms.

"So, is that-?" You silence Fred by kissing him.

"Yes. No one has ever done so much for me. Thank you, Freddie."

"I mean, it didn't you exactly as I'd planned, but I guess that this works." Fred smirks as you blush.


On the night of the dance, you meet Fred at his place. Heathecliffe opens the door for you. You see Fred, standing in front of a hallway mirror. He is decked out in a fancy suit. You smile. "You're looking quite dapper, Frederick."

Fred turns around and sees you, your hair and makeup perfect, your (f/c) knee length dress flowing out from your waist perfectly. "Wow," He breathes.

You blush and look down. "Do you like it?" You ask, tucking a strand of hair behind your ears.

"Yeah," Fred says. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

Fred steps forward and offers you his arm. You hook yours with his. "Heathecliffe, would you escort us by limo?"


At the dance, everyone is dressed fancy. You adore every minute of the dance. It's like a fairytale from a storybook. And Fred is the perfect prince.

Your first slow dance is sweet. Fred holds your hand and rests his own hand on the small of your back. He keeps his forehead within inches of yours, his bright blue eyes gazing with admiration into your (e/c) ones. You're feeling seriously blushy.

"Thank you for asking me," You tell him.

Fred takes a step back and releases your back. He spins you in a circle. You circle back into his arms.

"Thank you for saying yes," He says. "I can't believe that I'm here at this dance with you."

"I can't believe that I'm here with you, either," You say.

"I've liked you for so long, now," He whispers.

"I have, too. I was just too shy to say anything. I'm not shy anymore, though." You pause. "Fred?"


"I love you," You say with a smile.

"I love you, too," Fred says. He spins you again. When you're back in his arms, better presses his lips to yours.

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