(253): Happy National Best Friends Day! (Hiro)

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I'm back! Everything went way faster than expected. The last two and a half weeks of my life have been an emotional rollercoaster. What happened was about three weeks ago, my grandmother went to the hospital because she had stomach pains. The doctors told us that it was pancreatitis, so we weren't really worried. Well, more tests were ran and my grandmother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. It was in her liver and she had no hope of surviving. They told us that she had a couple of months. Everything just progressively got worse. She passed away a week later. Honestly, it's been really hard for me, but I'm getting through.

Thank you for sticking with me! Here's a short Hiro x Reader Best Friends Day one shot. I'll write more Best Friends Day one shots and Father's Day one shots later on!


"Hiro!" You exclaim excitedly as the two of you watch (favorite_tv_show).

Hiro jumps. "What?" He asks.

"I totally forgot! Dude, it's Best Friends Day!"

Hiro shrugs. "So?"

"So we need to celebrate."

"Ugh." Hiro rolls his eyes. "Why?"

"Because we're best friends. And it's Best Friends Day." You scoot closer to him. "Please?"

Hiro sighs. "___, this is just another lame holiday created for card companies and party stores to get more money."

You frown. "Okay," You say sadly. "I guess you're right."

Hiro's silent for a moment. Then he looks over and sees your sullen face. He sighs again and reaches for the remote. He turns the TV off and stands up, grabbing his hoodie off of the arm of the couch.

"What are you doing?" You ask him.

"Taking you out for a Best Friends Day gift," He states.

You blink with confusion. He's really doing this? You watch him walk to the staircase. He turns back to you. "Well?" He says. "Are you coming or not?"

You give Hiro a smile. He smiles back and you follow him outside.


Three hours later, you both return to Hiro's house with grocery bags of small gifts. The two of you shopped separately to buy them. You take your seat on the couch; Hiro takes his. You hand him the bag.

"Here," You say. "Happy Best Friends Day."

Hiro smiles. "Thanks." He opens up the bag and pulls out the stack of candy. Candy bars, licorice, mints, and Hiro's favorite, gummy bears. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," You answer.

"Here's yours," Hiro says. He grins as you reach into the bag. You pull out a stack of candy. "Guess we both thought of the same stuff." He laughs.

You laugh, too. "Guess so. Thank you, Hiro. I love it." You reach over and wrap your arms around him. "Happy Best Friends Day." He pauses for a moment before wrapping his arms around you, too. 

"Happy Best Friends Day, ___."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now