(342): Selfless (Hiro) (Part One)

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Part one of a Hiro x Reader requested by brozipan55~

You step into the dark garage where Hiro and Baymax are both suiting up for a battle. "Hiro? Can I talk to you for a minute?" you ask your boyfriend of just a year. You bite your lip. He doesn't look up as he slips on his gloves.

"I guess, but make it quick," he mutters. He turns to his robot. "Baymax, test your thrusters."

"My thrusters are operable," Baymax states.

"Good," he says as he places his armor on over his black body suit.

You walk over to Hiro and help place his armor on his shoulders. "Hiro, I know that you're stressed-"

"Stressed is an understatement," he replies coldly. "Yokai was somehow able to break out of jail and build up yet another army of microbots in just a matter of weeks. This guy never stops."

You sigh. "You'll beat him, Hiro. I know you will." You turn him around to face you and hug him tightly. "But please be careful, okay?"

The sixteen year old wraps his arms around you tightly. He leave a kiss on the top of your head. "Being careful isn't always an option," he says, pulling away.

Your heart clenches in your chest. "It needs to be today," you say seriously. "Look, losing your life isn't worth it. You have a family here."

"And what about the people out there? The people who could be hurt or even killed by Callaghan's revenge plan? Hiding away is the coward's way out. Fighting, giving these innocent people a chance, that's the heroic way out." He shakes his head. "You wouldn't understand."

Your face hardens. "Why, because I'm not a hero? That makes me an automatic coward, right?" You shake your head.

Hiro shuts his eyes and purses his lips. "Look, all I'm saying is that you don't understand-"

"Hiro, don't you think I'm selfless enough? I let you go out there to help these people even when I want to keep you safe with me. Isn't that enough for you?"

Hiro walks away. "Talk to me when you're faced with a decision to save yourself or someone else," he snaps back. He climbs in Baymax. "Let's go, Baymax!" They shoot off, and you're left behind with the 'I love you' still left on your lips.

The fight lasts about three hours. You watch intently on your phone to be sure he's safe. Everything ends up okay by the time the news goes off. It should be over soon, anyways. The gang will throw Callaghan back in prison, Hiro will come home, and it'll all go on as usual. Towards the end, you just decide to head home. Hiro hasn't been in the best of moods lately; especially towards you. You've blamed it all on the stress of his college career and his super hero life. The wind blows your hair around your face. It chills your exposed skin and leaves you shivering. With a sigh, you tug the sleeves of his hoodie down to cover your arms. You check your phone and decide to leave Hiro a message for when he gets back.

"Hey, it's ___. Call me when you get home so I know that you're safe. And I'm sorry, Hiro, I just worry about you. Just call me back-" A thudding noise makes you turn around quickly. You don't hang up the phone, instead you drop it to your side. A rapid buzzing sound suddenly erupts and you soon find a wave of them heading towards you. You stagger backwards, gasping. Callaghan hovers on the top of them. He throws a hand out towards you.

"___, move!" Hiro's voice says from above you. You look up and see him a few feet above and away from you. He extends his hand for you. "Come here! I'm here, I'll grab you! Run!"

You run forward as fast as you can, your hand held out to him. Just as you think you have a chance, just as your fingers brush his, the microbots wrap around your ankles and waist. "Hiro!"

"No!" he screams. He's horrified as he watches them tie themselves around you, holding you captive. He's helpless.

You're dragged backwards and you're thrown into a swarm of the bots. They pull you tighter in their hold. You try to squirm around and free yourself, but it's no use. Your only hope is Hiro. You look up at him and cry out, "Hiro, help me! Hiro!" You take one look at Hiro before being dragged into the middle of the swarm. You can't tell if you're moving or still in the same spot. Somehow your phone is still in your hand. You struggle to raise it up to dial 911. Your mind is racing. He didn't even try. He didn't even try. He just sat there and let them take me. He didn't even try! The microbots squeeze you tighter. You wince in pain. You let out a sob and whisper, "I love you-" You drop the phone and fall limp in the microbots' hold. Everything goes black.

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