(282): Chilly (Wasabi) (Part One)

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Wasabi x Reader~


"I miss the warmth," Wasabi whines as he walks you up to his doorstep. The two of you wanted to study for an upcoming physics test, so you decided to come home with him after class. The weather has started to change. The leaves are red and orange and they fall with the slightest breeze. It's barely even jacket wearing weather, yet Wasabi is shivering in his green sweater.

"I think fall is nice," You say, looking at the ground, where a few red and orange leaves are laying on the dead grass.

"You're crazy. It's warm, then it's cold, then it's warm again- this it's cold and it never stops! The changes give me allergies, the leaves always make my yard look messy, the grass is dying! It's just a bad season."

You shake your head. "You're missing out on the fun! I'll show you how awesome fall can be. Then we'll see if you change your mind."

"We need to study," He says.

"Tomorrow. Show up at my place around noon. Okay?"

Wasabi sighs, knowing that he couldn't say no to your pleading (e/c) eyes, especially when he has a crush on you. "Alright. But only if we get through this entire lesson today."

"Done," You agree seriously. Then, you smile a huge, bright smile.

Wasabi smiles back. He can feel his face flush as he thinks about how much he just wants to kiss you right then.


"We finished the entire lesson," You comment as you stack up your books. "Looks like I'll see you tomorrow, huh?"

"Looks like it."

"And don't even think about coming up with an excuse to get out of it," you tell him. "I won't allow it."

"You're very serious about this fall thing," he notices.

"It's very important to me," you explain, your eyes wide. "I love this season and I look forward to it every year."

Wasabi grabs his car keys. "Then I won't bail. Come on, I'll take you home."


The next day, Wasabi pulls up in front of your apartment just a few minutes before noon. He unbuckles his seatbelt and opens his door, breathing through the butterflies that are filling him as he thinks about seeing you.

He stops in front of the door of your apartment and knocks softly. "Coming!" He hears you call out from behind the wood. The door opens just a few seconds later. "Hey, Wasabi. You're early."

"Yeah, I-" He stops, noticing your outfit. You're wearing a (f/c) sweater dress and black leggings. "You're. . ." he smiles awkwardly, his face burning again, "dressed up."

"Yeah," you say, tucking a strand of your curled hair behind your ear. You look down. "It's silly. I shouldn't of-"

"No, no," he interrupts you. "You look great."

"Thank you," you say. You stand there, smiling like an idiot at him for a minute. You realize that Wasabi is still standing outside. "Oh! What am I doing? Come in." You step aside and Wasabi walks in. He gazes around your clean home. He's never visited before. The two of you hang out in your lab or Fred's mansion or Wasabi's apartment. "You can set your jacket on the couch if you want. I'm sorry that I don't have a coat hanger or anything."

"It's not a problem," he tells you.

"Do you like apple cider?" You ask him as you head towards your kitchen.

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