(240): Caring For You

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Sorry I haven't been updating! I planned on a couple more of the Mother's Day themed ones, but I've been studying non-stop!  I have five more finals to squeeze in before I leave for Disney World. I've been really stressed. So this is just a Fred x Reader that reminds me of my own life currently. . .  without the Fred. :/ I need a Fred in my life.


You're sitting at your desk, scribbling away at your notebook. Your fingers are drumming on the wood. You're studying for (least_favorite_class), and it is the most difficult thing in the world. You feel so stuck, so trapped. How are you going to pass? You flip through your textbook and write more notes. You bookmark the pages with neon sticky notes. You recite the vocabulary like song lyrics in your head. Nothing is working.

"Hey, ___," A voice says from the doorway of your room.

You turn around. It's Fred. "Hey. Who let you in?"


"Well, I can't hang out. I'm studying. Sorry."

"Oh, that's fun," Fred says sarcastically. "What're you studying?" He leans over you.

"(Subject)," You say quickly. "And I'd appreciate it if you could give me some peace and quiet."

"Sure, sure," He says, stepping back. "Do you. . . want help?"

"No," You say harshly.

"Okay then." Fred raises his hands and steps back again.

You sigh and press your fingers to your temples. Your eyes squeeze shut. "I'm sorry," You whisper. "I'm just. . . really stressed."

"That's okay," Fred says softly. "Freddie gets it."

You bury your face in your hands. "I can't do this."

"You can." Fred kneels down beside you. You shake your head. "___." Fred tugs on your arms. "___, look at me."

"What?" You ask quietly. You drop your hands and look into his huge blue eyes.

"You can do this," He repeats. "I'll help you study."

You sigh and nod. Your stomach growls and you blush with embarrassment.

Fred laughs. "Was that your stomach?"

"Yeah. Guess I'm a little hungry." You shrug.

"Well, you have to eat. You concentrate on your work and I'll take care of you. I'll get you food."

"Fred, you don't have to-"

Fred was already walking out the door. "Study!" He calls out.


Thirty minutes later, Fred comes back with a bag of your favorite fast food. "Sorry," He apologises. "Long line." He sets the bag down. "Take a break. You need one."

You smile. "Thank you, Fred. You're the best."

Fred shrugs and smiles. He eats his own meal while you eat. After the two of you are done, you get back to work. Hours of non-stop studying suddenly feels like seconds. You find yourself remembering things quicker. Each answer comes to you with ease.

"Okay, ___. I think that you've got it!" He holds his hands up.

You give Fred a high five and grin so big that your cheeks hurt. You throw your arms around Fred's shoulders. "Thank you!" You say.

"It wasn't a problem," He says. You press your face into his shoulder. Fred's hands slide up your back.

"Thank you. For helping me."

Fred hugs you closer. "Anytime."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now