(213): Finding A Family (Part One)

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I think that someone requested this Sibling Fred x Adopted Reader a while back. . . I don't remember who it was, though. Whoever you are, here it is. I don't think I've written this yet. Idk, maybe I have.  Who knows anymore.  ^-^


Five year old Fred sits beside his mother in the limo. He watches the clouds float by and holds his action figure of (superhero) up so it looks like he'll fly.

When the limousine stops, Fred's mother pats Fred's shoulder. "Ready to find a brother or sister, Frederick?"

Fred nods and climbs out of the limo after his parents. He shoves the small action figure in his pocket and holds his mother's hand.

As soon as Fred and his parents step into the building, a lady with a messy bun walks up to them. She smiles politely. "Hello. Are you looking to adopt today?"

Fred's father nods. "Yes," He says.

"Follow me," She says. She leads the three of them into a room where a group of kids play. "Is there. . . someone specific you're searching for?"

"We'd just like to adopt so our Frederick will have company while we're gone for work," Fred's mother says. She nudges Fred forward. "You can look around while we talk to this lady, sweetie."

Fred nods and walks off. He stops by a table where two boys build with blocks. "Get lost, kid," One of them says.

Fred frowns and walks away. He stops by a girl and boy who are coloring. They don't say anything, but offer Fred a coloring book. He picks up a green crayon and kneels at the table. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you, sitting in a corner with a (favorite_superhero) action figure on your lap. Fred doesn't hesitate to walk over to you.

"Hi," He says.

You don't say anything, but you smile.

"My name's Fred. I brought an action figure, too." He takes out his action figure and sits down beside you. "What's your name?"

"___," You say.

"How old are you?"

"Five," You reply.

"Me too. Mom says that I'm here to find a brother or sister," Fred says. "Are you here with your mom, too?"

"I live here," You say. "I don't have a mom. But all of these ladies take care of me."

"You live here?" Fred asks in disbelief.


"Oh." Fred looks down for a minute. "Do you wanna play?"

"Yeah," You say with a smile.

You play with Fred for a while. Eventually, Fred's mom walks up. "Hi, sweetie," She says. "Who's this?"

Fred smiles. "___. Look! She has an action figure, too!"

"That's cool," She says. You smile up at her. She looks over at her husband and nods. "Come on, guys. We're gonna go talk to these ladies, okay?"


Two weeks later, you're driving home with Fred. You carry a small (f/c) suitcase that holds your few outfits and your action figure. Fred talks to you the whole time.

"And we have a huge TV and we can watch movies on it and we have lots of comics and videogames and Heathecliffe can give us rides in the helicopter-"

"Helicopter?" You gasp.

"Uh-huh. We're gonna have tons of fun, ___."

"We're here, kids," Fred's dad announces. You climb out of the car. Fred smiles at your wide eyes as you take in the size of the house.

"Wow," You breathe.

"Welcome home, ___," Fred's mom says happily. She takes your hand. Fred takes your other one and you walk into your new home, your new life, with your family.

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