(222): Change Your Mind (Part One)

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Tadashi x Reader requested by FandomGurl101. ^-^ Sorry I haven't been updating. I haven't been feeling well. I'm dividing this up because it's hard for me to even concentrate. It's short. Sorry.


You walk into your friend, Tadashi's, lab. You look around. Empty. You shrug and set the pile of papers on his desk. You stare out the window, thinking of what Honey Lemon told you to do about your current crush on Tadashi. She thinks that you should tell him.  But should you? How would he react?

"Hey, ___." Tadashi's voice makes you jump.

You turn around and smile. "Hey. I, uh, dropped off your papers."

Tadashi smiles as he picks up the stack. "Thanks. I appreciate it." He nods and sticks the papers in a folder.

"You're welcome." You bite your lip. You're arguing with yourself. Again.

Tell him.

Don't tell him.

Tell him!

He could tell the others.

Tadashi wouldn't. He's not like that. I'm telling him.

"T-Tadashi?" You ask in a small voice.

"Yeah?" Tadashi asks, adjusting his hat and turning around to face you. He leans against his desk and crossed his arms.

"I, uh-" You pause and your face turns red. "Never mind."

"You can tell me," Tadashi says.

"No." You shake your head. "It was stupid."

"Come on, ___."  Tadashi places a hand on your shoulder. "You can tell me anything." You don't budge. Tadashi does his pouty face, which makes your heart melt.

"Fine. Okay," You sigh. "I-I just, I like you, okay? I've liked you for a while now. I don't expect you to feel the same. I just needed to get that off of my chest."

Tadashi blinks. "Oh. Well, I-I, uh. . . I'm flattered. Really, I am," Tadashi pauses to remove his hat, pat his hair down, and put his hat back on. "I just. . . don't think that I feel the same."

Your heart breaks, even though you expected this. "Right. I totally get it."

Tadashi smiles and nods. An awkward silence follows.

"Well, I should be getting back to my lab," You say.

Tadashi nods. "Right. Yeah."

You turn and walk to the door. You grab the door handle. Just before you twist it, Tadashi says, "Hey, ___?"

"Yeah?" You ask, trying to conceal your hopeful expression.

"We're still friends, right?"

You struggle to keep a smile on your face. "Yeah." Tadashi smiles and nods. You escape quickly, hoping to hold it together as you burst through the exit doors of SFIT.


Over the next few weeks, you avoid Tadashi. If he's hanging around the group on a Friday, you stay home. If he is at the same grocery store you're at, you leave to go to another. In school, you try to take different ways to classes. In actual class, you sit at the far end of the room.

Tadashi is upset. You said that you could still be friends, but you avoid him all of the time. He texts you, waves to you, and he tries to talk to you. What was wrong? Was it him? You? Tadashi is determined to find out. He didn't really know why he felt as if his life wasn't complete without you in it. He felt such an emptiness when you weren't around on Fridays. When you ignored him, his heart gave him a sharp jab of pain.

You thought that only your heart was broken, when actually, Tadashi's was, too.

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