(258): Happy Fourth of July!

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I don't even know what normally goes on during the 4th but I never do anything super special. Like, I go swimming but that's a normal thing. I don't watch fireworks cause they're not Disney fireworks so what's the point of even watching them? Lol.

Okay, if you watch Gravity Falls: I'm basically the kid in solitary confinement. When he waves the flag. Yeah. That's my life.

I'm trying with this everyone x Reader.


"Hey, guys! Happy Fourth of July!" You announce as you walk into Aunt Cass's backyard. The picnic table is covered with food and drinks. Lawn chairs cover the yard.

"Happy Fourth!" Aunt Cass exclaims. Tadashi takes the platter of sandwiches that you carry and Aunt Cass runs over to you. She gives you a tight hug. "Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for inviting me," You say.

Honey Lemon hands you a small flag. "Here!"

"What am I supposed to do with this?" You ask her.

"Um, I don't know. Something festive!"

Go Go rolls her eyes and shrugs, a small smile on her face.

"Can we just eat?" Hiro asks impatiently.

"Yeah, I'm with Hiro," Fred says. "Can't we just eat?"

"Sure," Aunt Cass says. "Go crazy."

Hiro and Fred start piling their plates high with sandwiches and chips and vegetable and dip. Aunt Cass smacks Hiro's hand as he shoves a handful of chips in his hand. "What?" He mumbles.

"Don't go that crazy! Pace yourself!" She points at Fred. "You, too."

Fred frowns. Hiro sighs and takes smaller, slower bites. Everyone takes their seats in the lawn chairs. You sit by Tadashi and Wasabi. Go Go gives Hiro and Fred dirty looks while they make messes. You can't help but laugh.

Wasabi looks over and gags. "Oh, that's disgusting."

"No," Fred says, a mouth full of sandwich. "It's festive."

Honey Lemon shakes her head. "It's really. . . not."

"Sure it is," You say.

"Yeah, guys. It's a holiday. Loosen up," Tadashi adds.

Honey Lemon shrugs. "Oh!" She stands up. "Who wants cupcakes?"

"Me!" Hiro exclaims.

"Cupcakes sound great," Tadashi says.

Aunt Cass and Honey Lemon pass out cupcakes to everyone. Each one is topped off with a pile of thick blue, red, or white frosting, star shaped sprinkles, and a plastic flag.

By the time everyone is done, fireworks are already going off. Everyone decides to lay in the grass and watch them. Everything is silent besides the booms and cracks of the fireworks and the occasional clicking sound of Honey Lemon's camera.

When the fireworks finally start slowing down, everyone packs up to go. You hug Aunt Cass one last time. "Thanks for inviting me, again."

"Oh, you're always welcome." She pats your back. "Happy Fourth of July!" She says.

"Happy Fourth of July," You say back. You wave to everyone as you walk away. "Bye, guys!" They all shout goodbye as you climb into your car.

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