(325): Sick (Wasabi)

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Since everyone in my house is complaining about upset stomachs- either because of too much candy or actual illness, I don't know- I've decided to write a Wasabi x Reader with the same concept.


It's November first. You have a date with your boyfriend, Wasabi, later tonight. It's your second anniversary with him. Wasabi is driving to your apartment to surprise you with flowers. He knocks on your door and straightens out the jacket that he spent hours ironing.

A few minutes after he knocks, the door knob twists and the door opens. Wasabi smiles and says, "Happy anniversary-" He stops when he takes in your appearance. Your hair is pulled up into a messy bun. You're wearing a big t shirt and pajama pants. Your skin is a sick pale color. "Whoa, ___. What's wrong?" His eyes widen and he throws his arm over his mouth and nose. "Are you sick?"

"No," you reply. "My stomach hurts from all of the candy I've had."

Wasabi drops his arm. "You're like this because of candy?"

You nod and lean your forehead against the door. "Yeah. The amount of it that I've had is insane. Fred and I had a contest to see who could eat the most last night at the party. He won, but he still gave me a few bags of candy as a prize. I ate them after the party."

Wasabi's jaw drops. "___! Do you know how unhealthy that is?"

"I don't want to hear it, Wasabi. I already know," you say with a groan.

Wasabi sighs. He wraps an arm around your waist and steps inside of the room. "Come on, ___. You should sit down." He guides you to the small sofa. When you're seated, he drapes a throw blanket around your shoulders. "I'll be right back." He goes to your kitchen and pulls out the box of tea bags. He bought them for you so you could be healthy with your choice of drinks. The fact that some are supposed to prevent stress, settle stomachs, and help anxiety is a plus. He boils a pot of water and pours it over the bag in your favorite mug. He brings it back to you. "Unsweetened peppermint tea," he says. "It's the best for upset stomachs."

"Thanks," you say with a smile. You wrap your fingers around the mug and take a deep breath to inhale the minty scent. Wasabi sits back. You lean into him and curl up. "And thanks for the flowers," you add, noticing the colorful bouquet on the coffee table.

"You're welcome," he answers. It's silent for a few minutes as you slowly sip your tea. "I guess we should cancel our dinner then," Wasabi says sadly.

You frown. Wasabi's always gone above and beyond for you, especially during anniversaries. He put a lot of time and money into getting a reservation for you. "We don't have to."

"___, you're sick. I can't have you sitting across from me at the dinner. You'll be trying to hold that candy down during the entire meal," he reminds you. He kisses your forehead. "We can postpone the date. Until then, we can just sit back and watch some TV. Okay?"

You sigh. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be," he says. "Dates are supposed to be spent with each other, and I'm spending my day with you. Plus, everyone knows that you're crazy about Halloween." He laughs.

"True. But I'll probably never eat another candy bar again." You take a sip of your tea as the thought of another piece of chocolate makes your stomach turn.

"You and I both know that isn't true," Wasabi replies.

You crack a smile. "Yeah, you're right. I won't eat another candy bar for a week, then. Or maybe just a couple of days." You lift your head to look at him. "Just remind me to not overeat, will you?"

Wasabi smiles. "I'll try my best." He kisses you gently. You lay your head on his shoulder again and close your eyes.

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