(356): Dating Advice (Hiro)

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Yet another Hiro x Reader because I don't have anything else that I have completed already. I've been sick with a cold and a slight fever since yesterday morning, and I'm not feeling this whole writing thing.


Hiro shakes his head and mumbles to himself as he scribbles out ideas on the yellow notepad before him. "Chocolates? Flowers? No, that's not ___." With a growl, he rips the page off of the book and crumbles it up in a ball. "Stupid!" He tosses it behind him.

Just in time, Tadashi walks up the steps. "Whoa!" Tadashi exclaims as he dodges the ball of paper that bounces off of the wall. Tadashi hangs up his helmet and shrugs out of cardigan. "I hope that you don't really think that I'm stupid." He chuckles. Hiro doesn't laugh or even look at him. "What's going on, little bro?" he asks seriously.

"It's nothing," he says.

"I'm not buying it," Tadashi says slowly. "What's up?"

"Really, it's-"

"It's obviously something, Hiro."

"It's not anything." Tadashi glares at the back of his brother's head. Determined to find out what's bugging him, he bends down and scoops up the piece of paper. He smooths it out and holds it up. "Hey, wait! Stop, don't read that!" Hiro shoots up and starts towards his brother.

Tadashi chuckles. "No use, knucklehead!" He holds the paper up as high as he can, stretching his arm out all of the way to keep it out of Hiro's reach. "___," he reads, "I really like-" Hiro stops struggling. Tadashi stops reading aloud.


I really like you. I don't know how to tell you, and I know that you probably won't like me the same.


"You like her," Tadashi realizes. "I knew it!"

"Stop," Hiro grumbles. He snatches the paper and balls it up again. "It doesn't matter."

"You've gotta tell her," Tadashi says simply.

"Ha! Right," Hiro says sarcastically.

"You do!"

Hiro shakes his head and sits back down. "What would I even say?"

"Just tell her how you feel. You two have been friends for a while, right?"

"Right," he replies.

"So you're comfortable with telling her how you feel," Tadashi says.

"No, this is different. I can tell her how I feel about others, sure, but about her? No way."

"Dude, I'm telling you-"

"No offense, big bro," Hiro interrupts, "but what do you know about girls?"

Tadashi glares at him. "Ha, ha," he says dryly. "Do you want my help or not?"

Hiro sighs. "Sure, why not," he mumbles. "It can't get any worse, anyways."


"Tadashi, you've somehow managed to make this a thousand times worse!" Hiro exclaims as he looks at the mirror in horror. His hair, usually unkept, was brushed and smoothed down. He looked almost identical to his brother, and that creeped Hiro out to no end.

"Relax, you big baby," Tadashi says. "She'll love it. Plus you've got these flowers-"

Hiro shakes his head. "___ hates flowers?"

"Every girl hates flowers," Tadashi replies. "They just like them when boys are the ones giving them. It's just a girl thing, you know."

"___ isn't just some girl," Hiro mumbles.

"What was that?" Tadashi asks, giving him a helmet.


"Are you coming, or are you going to chicken out?" he asks with a smirk.

Without another glance in the mirror, Hiro grabs the roses and chocolates and follows his brother down the stairs.


Once Tadashi parks in front of your driveway, he waves his brother towards your door. "Go on," Tadashi orders. "You can do it, knucklehead."

"Right," Hiro says shakily. He slowly removes the helmet and gathers his things. The walk to your front door seems incredibly long now that's he's here, and for the first time, Hiro is actually nervous. He reaches your porch step and knocks on the wood.

Just a few seconds later, you open the front door. You immediately smile when you see him. "Hi, Hiro!" Then, your eyes fall on his hair. "Whoa. Dude, you look like your brother."

Hiro blushes. "Uh... thanks."

"It wasn't much of a compliment," you say with a laugh. "So what's up?"

"I..." He gulps and looks down at the roses and golden box of chocolates. This is so lame. This isn't me, this isn't her. "I..."

"Did you get me flowers?" you question.

Hiro looks up and smirks. "No, Tadashi did."


He drops the items onto the sidewalk and steps closer to you. "Look, I really like you. I know that we're just friends and everything, but I really, really like you."

"Did Tadashi tell you to do all of this?" you question.

Hiro nods. "Yeah, but I think he was doing it so I would realize that I had it in me." He smiles and makes a mental note to thank his older brother.

You grin. "Sure, I'll go out with you."

Hiro's smile grows twice as big. "Really? Sick!"

You laugh and raise your hand up to his hair. He blushes as you run your fingers through it until it sticks up in it's usual way. "There," you whisper. Hiro's hand reaches up and gently wraps around your wrist. You slowly take his hand as Hiro leans in. He places one hand on your cheek, keeping his other hand around yours, and touches his lips to yours. You smile against his lips before you pull away.

"Wow," Hiro breathes.

You laugh breathlessly. "Do we have plans?"

"Plans?" he mumbles.

"For our first date, silly," you reply.

Hiro grins. "Um... videogames and comic books?"

"That sounds perfect," you say. You slide your fingers between his and scoop up the gifts. "We'll eat the chocolates and give my mom the roses. Say they're from my dad. Sound good?"

"Sure, why not?" Hiro laughs.

"Awesome. Come on. I'll even let you sit in the purple bean bag today." You squeeze his hand and step into your house.

Before Hiro shuts the door, he catches Tadashi's eye as he gets on his mo-ped and puts his helmet on. Tadashi smiles and nods. Hiro returns the smile, both surprised and happy that his brother's dating advice worked.

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