(369): Valentine's Day (Older Hiro)

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This WILL NOT be the only Valentine's Day Hiro x Reader, so please don't send me messages or comments begging for when I'll update your request. All of you guys requested and they will ALL be on here by February 14th. Please be patient! I have a lot on my plate right now and I don't have time for everything.

This Older Hiro x Reader was requested by me because Hiro + me + cinnamon jelly hearts + gummy bears + fluff = ME DYINNNNNGGGG! < also gonna lowkey mention that that would be a cute fan art idea for me and Hiro nbd.


"Happy Valentine's Day, ___!" Honey Lemon exclaims as you walk into the lab. She skips over to you and wraps her arms around you tightly. "Here's a Valentine. Thank you for being such a sweet friend!" She's wearing a light pink sweater dress, complete with white tights and red pumps. Her hair is tied back in a pink ribbon, her lipstick is a deep red, and her eyeshadow is a light pink. She looks adorable in her outfit, and you'd except no less from Honey.

You flash her a smile and hug her in return. When you pull away, you say, "Awe, thanks, Honey Lemon! Man, I feel bad for not getting you a card."

"Psh, no worries!"

"Tell you what, tomorrow I'll take you out for a coffee and cupcake. Deal?"

She grins. "Deal! Thanks so much, ___. Have a great Valentine's Day! Oh - is that for Hiro?"

You look down at the red bag in your hands. It's stuffed with red tissue paper, and inside is a jumbo bag of Hiro's favorite sweets. "Yeah," you say. "I wanted to drop it off before his Robotics class. I'm on my way to his lab now."

"Well, I'll leave you to it, then," she replies. "Have a great day!" With that, she skips off, holding a stack of red cards to her chest. She waves to Go Go, shouting, "Hey, Go Go, wait up!"

You turn on your heel and start to make your way to Hiro's lab. The door is open, so you step inside. He's sitting at his office chair, feet propped up on the desk, earbuds in, and music blaring in them. He's typing away on his laptop. You smile and shake your head at the eighteen year old boy. With light, quiet steps, you glide to his side and yank one of the earbuds out.

"Hey!" he protests, catching the speaker. "Why-"

"That doesn't look like a project," you say jokingly.

Hiro looks up at you and grins. He shoots up and pulls you into his arms, wrapping you up into a tight hug. "Hey, you!" he exclaims. He kisses your cheek and pulls back, keeping just your hands in his. "What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to meet me here until noon."

"Didn't want to see me?" you tease.

"You kidding? I always want to see you," he replies, giving your hand a light squeeze. "So what's up?"

You hold up the gift. "Happy Valentine's Day!" you exclaim.

He takes the red bag from you and smiles. "Awe, thanks, sweetie. You want me to open this now?"

"Sure, if you want," you reply, giving him a light peck on the cheek. He takes your hand as he sits down. Tugging on your hand gently, you sit down on his right knee and turn to face him.

He opens the bag and pulls out the pink tissue paper that covers his gift. He cracks a smile as he pulls out the treat that's inside. "Gummy bears," he says cheerfully, "ah, thanks, sweetie. I love you so much."

You smile and wrap your arms around his neck. He presses his hands against the middle of your back, guiding you down until your lips meet his. You kiss him slowly, enjoying the feeling of how perfect his lips mash against yours. When you pull away, he tucks a strand of your hair behind your left ear. "I love you, too, Hiro Hamada."

His chocolate brown eyes scan your face lovingly as he takes in every dimple, every mark, every feature that makes up your beauty. Of course, that's not the only thing he loves about you. There are many things that he loves: your sense of humor, your kindness, your knowledge, your selflessness... the way you always beam at him whenever he looks at you, the way your hands tighten up into fists when you get aggravated, the way your tongue sticks out of your mouth just a little bit as you work... he finds himself thinking of all of this for hours at a time.

He presses a kiss on the tip of your nose and says, "I got you something, too."

"You did?" Your eyes light up.

"Of course I did," he says. He drops the gummy bears onto his desk and turns the chair, holding you close so you won't have to move. He opens up a drawer and pulls out a light brown teddy bear. When he hands it to you, you gasp. "Happy Valentine's Day, ___."

"Hiro, it's so cute!" You grin when you see the package that it's holding. "And it has a little bag of cinnamon jelly hearts! I love it! Thank you so much."

He kisses your cheek. "Anything for you. So, dinner at five-thirty?"

"Sounds good to me," you reply, untwisting the tie that's around the bag of sweets. You open the bag and pull out one of the soft heart candies.

"Lemme have one," Hiro mutters, holding his hand out. You turn and hold the one up to his lips, only to pop it into your mouth before it touches his tongue. Hiro rolls his eyes. "You are so evil!"

"Sorry, love," you mumble, ruffling his hair with your fingers. "You know that these are my favorites."

"It's a good thing I love you." He hooks a finger under your chin and brings his lips down to yours. You giggle against his lips as he gives you a quick kiss. When he pulls away, he says, "I could taste it on your lips. I think I prefer gummy bears." He grabs the bag of his candy and opens it before popping a yellow one into his mouth.

"Hm, lemme compare," you mutter, shoving your hand into the bag and taking out a few. He watches in disbelief as you shove them in your mouth. You laugh and jump off of his lap, running to the side of his lab.

"Oh, you're in for it now!" he exclaims, shooting up and wrapping his arms around your waist. You squeal and clutch his arms, trying to squirm out of his hold.

Despite your efforts, he's far too strong. You find yourself breathless in his hold. "Okay. Okay, I'm done. You win. What do I have to do, give you my candy?"

"No," he says.

"Then what-" You gasp as he quickly turns you around and holds you against his chest. Your cheeks fume as he leans in close and catches your lips in a kiss. You smile, caught in this kiss that tasted like gummy bears and cinnamon.

As you pull back for air, Hiro says, "That's all I ever want for Valentine's Day."

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