(340): I Can't Do It (Hiro)

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I wish I wasn't so upset that the Hamada boys aren't real but it's too late and I'm crying and I have to mourn for life bye

Hiro x Reader~


Hiro groans and drops his face into his hands. He hears his older brother's annoyed with from across the room.

"What is it now, Hiro? Are you fighting with ___?"

Hiro drops his hand slowly and falls back against his pillows. "No," the seventeen year old boy says. "She's on her way over, by the way."

"Well, that doesn't sound too bad," Tadashi replies with a chuckle. "Seriously, dude. What's up?"

"She's too good!" Hiro replies. "We've been together for almost two years and I still haven't been able to say that I love her. She reminds me that she does every day and she assures me that it's alright that I don't say it."

Tadashi sighs again. "Well, do you?"

Hiro raises his eyebrows. "What?"

"Love her?"

Hiro opens his mouth to reply, but a shout from downstairs stops him. "Hiro, ___ just pulled up!"

He sighs and gets out of bed. He shrugs an SFIT jacket on as he runs down the steps and meets you at the front door. You grin as soon as you see him. "Hey," you say, stepping inside.

Hiro shuts the door behind you and touches your waist. "Hey, beautiful," he says, stealing a kiss on your lips. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you," you murmur, kissing him again.

Tadashi rolls his eyes at the two of you as he reaches the bottom of the steps. "Gross!" he says mockingly. A playful smile appears on his lips.

"Hi, Tadashi," you say. "It's good to see you, too."

Hiro smirks and wraps his arm around your waist. Aunt Cass smiles from the sofa. "Are you staying for dinner, ___?"

"No, I can't. I just came to hang out for a bit since I won't be in town for the next few days."

"Won't be in town?"

"College trips," you explain. "Thought I'd better start searching. I'm heading south tomorrow to find a few."

Tadashi nods in approval. "You're leaving San Fransokyo?"

"It's not a plan of mine, but I'd like to have options." Hiro frowns. He doesn't like to hear about you leaving. You look up at your boyfriend and smile. "You had blueprints to show me?"

"Right," he says. He turns towards the steps and heads up. Before following, you wave at Cass and Tadashi. Hiro goes over to his desk and shifts through the unorganized papers.

"Geez," you breathe, taking it all in. "How do you find anything in this mess?"

"Everyone has a system," he says with a smirk. "Here." He hands you the paper. "Tell me what you think. Will it work, or does it seem a bit farfetched?"

You him in concentration as you scan the page. "The set up of the bot looks good. . . but I'm not sure that the structure is ideal. I want to say that it'll work because I love you, but it won't." You laugh a bit.

Hiro smiles, but he doesn't laugh. Because I love you.

You notice this. "What? Sweetie, we can make your project work. . ."

"It's not that," he assures you. He frowns and steps closer beside you. "It's just. . . you know how I feel about you, right?"

"Hiro, is this about the 'I love you' thing? Don't worry about it. Look, everyone feels differently. All that matters is that you know that I love you, and I will love you no matter what. It's okay that you can't say it. It might mean that you don't love me, or that you're just unsure, but I'm okay with it, honestly. You make it clear that you care about me." You smile.

Hiro lets out a huff of annoyance at himself. Just say it! You know what you want to say, so say it! "No. You have to know how I feel about you." He takes your hands. "___, every time I look at you, time just. . . stops. You're all that matters in my insane life. Every time I'm out there fighting, you're the reason I work hard to come home safely because I know that you're worried and I . . ." He trails off. He can't say it.

You wrap your arms around him. "You've said enough." Hiro sighs and takes your face in his hands. He kisses you lovingly, deepening the kiss in hopes to show you what he can't say. You tangle your fingers in the back of his hair and press your body closer to his.

You pull back breathlessly, placing one hand on his cheek. "Hiro Hamada, you go above and beyond for me each day. Don't worry about my feelings; being with you is what matters." You kiss him quickly once more and pull back.

Hiro sighs. Maybe you're right, but it doesn't fix anything. Tadashi walks in and plops on the bed. "Come on," Hiro mumbles. "Let's go find a movie to watch." He pulls you down the steps. Hiro settles on the couch with you as the action film starts. You lift your legs up and put them on his lap, turning your body to face his side. Hiro smiles and sets a hand on your knee. As the movie plays, he realizes that you're spending more time messing with his hair than what's happening. He laughs quietly. "Are you even watching?"

"No," you say truthfully. "Your hair is much more entertaining. I love it. Don't cut it, okay?"

He pats your knee. "I won't." You gradually work your fingers through the tangles in his hair. When you're done, you sit back and admire your work. "Does it look different?" he asks.

"Nope. It's still a mop." You laugh.

Hiro laughs and leans his head back against the couch. As his laughter dies down, he breathes, "I love you."

You stop giggling. "What'd you say?"

Hiro's eyes widen. "I love you," he repeats. You smile. Hiro leans forward and catches his lips with yours. He kisses you over and over again. "I love you," he says in between them, "I love you!"

You laugh breathlessly and push him back. "I love you, too." You wrap your arms around his neck. "What made you finally say it?"

"I just thought that you were insanely adorable. And you are." He leans his head against yours and snuggles up next to you.

You sigh in content. "I love you."

"I love you," he replies. "And I promise to show you every day for the rest of my life."

// I'm going to put this out here because I've been getting so many of these requests lately: I do not write girl x girl, boy x boy, or any other sexual preferences in my stories. I also don't write smut or lemons. I have nothing against you if you believe in this or anything; I just don't believe in it myself. I hope that you all can respect my religious beliefs and accept that, because it won't ever change.

I love you all! ❤

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