(306): I Will Always Be With You (Tadashi)

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Before you guys start to worry, this one shot is not sad. I promise.


"Tadashi, no!"

"Callaghan is still in there. Someone has to help."

"Tadashi, please. You can't. I love you so much. Don't take yourself from me!"

"___, I have to do this."

"You don't. You can stay here with me and Hiro. Please don't leave me. Please."

"Don't cry. I love you, sweetheart, but I have to help. It's his only chance to live."

"Tadashi, no! No! Tadashi!"


"Tadashi!" You scream, jerking upright so quickly that your head is left spinning. You immediately look to the other side of your bed. The wrinkled white sheet is empty. You throw your covers off and swing your legs off of the bed. Your dizziness hasn't subsided as you throw yourself towards the bedroom door. The smell of coffee hits your nose, a sign that your husband is still alive. Knowing that you still won't feel any better until you're in his arms, you walk as quickly as your swollen stomach will allow. You're pregnant with your first baby. "Tadashi! Tadashi!"

You see him turn into the hallway and out of the kitchen. Still barefoot and in his pajamas, he crosses the hallway quickly. "Sweetie, what is it?" His hands immediately fall on your stomach. He looks from it to your wet eyes. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?"

"N-No," you choke out, "I just had a nightmare."

Tadashi purses his lips together and pulls you into a hug. He holds you against him, swaying both of you back and forth slowly, almost as if to rock you until you're calm. "It's okay. It wasn't real."

You don't stop crying. You press your face against his chest and hold him tightly against you. "It was real."

"It wasn't," he assures you. He pulls away and keeps an arm around you. He leads you to the bedroom and carefully helps you sit down. He takes a seat beside you and brushes the tears off of your cheeks. "What happened? You can tell me. Maybe it will make you feel better."

"I-It was the fire again," you confess, wiping your face with the top of your hand.

Tadashi swallows, "Sweetheart. . ."

"I know that it was a a few years ago and I know that everything turned out okay. And I'm happy knowing that you've healed and everything, but I keep remembering it and how you went in and barely made it out and how I thought that you were going to die but you didn't and you were in a coma for so long and I-I am so scared, Tadashi. I can't go through something like that again. Especially now." You take a deep breath after your spill of words.

Tadashi frowns and pulls you into his lap. "Come here," he says. You lay your head on his shoulder and he rubs your back to soothe you. "___, I'm not leaving you anytime soon. I'm gonna stick around and be the best husband I can be. Don't you worry, beautiful."

You let out a sniffle and nod, "I'm sorry," you apologize, hooking your fingers on the collar of his shirt and nuzzling your nose against his neck.

"Don't be sorry," he says, kissing the top of your head. "Your biggest fear is losing me. That's okay. My biggest fear is losing you. Lately, even, I'm afraid of losing our baby. Sometimes I have nightmares about it and I can't calm down until I can hear you breathing and feel the baby moving. You two are my world, ___. My entire world."

"Why don't you ever tell me about your nightmares?"

"I'm okay once I realize that you are." He leaves a kiss on the top of your head again and then says, "Do you want breakfast? You can pick what to have to help you feel better."

"Can we order pizza?" you ask in a small voice.

Tadashi laughs. "For breakfast?"

You nod. "It's what the baby and I want."

"The baby wants pizza, too?" Tadashi asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh-huh," you reply, lifting your head.

"And how do you know this?" he asks.

"Here," you say. You take Tadashi's hand and place it on your stomach. He smiles when the baby kicks against his hand. "He or she is getting awfully excited about me just mentioning it."

"Maybe the baby just likes the sound of my voice," he suggests, "or yours. You do have the most amazing and beautiful voice on earth."

"Or maybe the baby likes the sound of pizza."

Tadashi throws his head back and laughs. "You're impossible, ___!" You laugh, too. "And I love you so much." He leans forward until his nose touches yours. You gently nuzzle yours against his, still giggling.

"And I love you," you say. You kiss him on the lips.

"Alright, sweetheart. Let's go order your pizza." Tadashi helps you stand and takes your hand.

"Can we get pepperoni? And a dessert pizza? Oh! And breadsticks?" You plead.

"Let me guess, the baby wants all of that, huh?"

"No, the baby has yet to of tried dessert pizza and it is a must try before I give birth. Don't you agree?"

Tadashi squeezes your hand. "You are the craziest woman I have ever met. And of course I have decided to spend the rest of my life with you." He goes to the kitchen counter and picks up his cellphone. As he dials the number, you wrap your arms around his waist from behind.

"And we'll be together for a long time," you say, laying your cheek against his back.

"That's right," Tadashi says gently. "A long time. I promise you that much."

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