(379): National Pet Day (Older Hiro/Mochi)

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So it was National Pet Day like 1 or 2 days ago, so I figured Mochi cuddles were in need.



Hiro grabs his pack of gummy bears as he rushes out of his lab. It's two-thirty, his usual time to go home. Honey Lemon waves at the eighteen year old.

"Hi, Hiro," she says. "Plans for tonight?"

"Yeah, actually-" He scratches the back of his head and looks around. "___ was supposed to meet me here."

"Oh, ___'s outside," Fred says as he walks by in his green monster suit. "She's checking out Go Go's new bike."

Hiro nods. "Thanks." He waves at his friends and turns towards the front doors. He hears your voice before he approaches the parking lot.

"This is seriously sweet, Go Go," you say. "I still can't get over the fact that you never put brakes on your motorcycles!"

She chuckles as she pulls her leather gloves onto her hands. She looks up from you and smirks as Hiro comes into view. "Hey, nerd."

"Hey," he says as he approaches. You stand up and smile, take his hand, and greet him with a light peck on his cheek. "Good to see you."

"You, too," you say, flashing a huge grin.

"Yuck," Go Go says jokingly. She mounts her bike and puts her helmet on her head. "Better get out of here before some of your hormonal problems rub off on me."

"I think they already have," Hiro mutters slyly. "I've seen the way you've been looking at Fred-"

Go Go's bubblegum snaps in her jaws. She points at Hiro's face and growls, "Don't ever say that to me again." She starts up her bike, throws Hiro one last glare, and speeds off.

"Jeez, Hiro," you gasp. "Do you have a death wish or something?"

He laughs and squeezes your hand. "Not really, no. You ready to go?" He watches your expression change. He can see the nervousness in your eyes. "___-"

"I know," you whine. "I know that you told me not to worry about meeting your Aunt but I will anyways. I just... I'm worried that I'm not good enough."

Hiro sighs and steps closer to you. His hands reassuringly brush lightly across your arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. "She'll like you. You know how I know that?"

"How?" you whisper.

"Because I like you. And if you're good enough for me, you're good enough for her."

You smile again. "Thanks."

"Anytime," he replies, dipping his head down and kissing you quickly. "C'mon. Aunt Cass is making spicy wings for dinner and you've got to try them."

Your fingers lock onto Hiro's hand as he leads you to the entrance of the café. He gives you a reassuring grin before he opens the unlocked door of the Hamada residence.

"Hiro, is that you?" a voice calls out from upstairs.

"Yeah, Aunt Cass," he says back. You follow him up the flight of wooden stairs. Once you reach the landing, Hiro politely helps you shrug your jacket off.

"How was school today?" Aunt Cass asks, her hand guiding the wooden spoon through the bowl.

"Um, great. Aunt Cass? This is ___."

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